I am always puzzled by family relationships...ok, relationships in general.
Some of you might recall, a while back, that I was married and the reception was at my brother and sister in laws house.
Nice, relaxed affair, at which my SIL threw emotional anger daggers at me and my husband. We didn't do things the way she wanted them done (no we didn't trash her house)
A) we couldn't possibly afford the chi-chi affair she wanted to do
B) we didn't use the haughty and expensive caterer she wanted us to....um, because of hautiness (well, downright rude) and expense...
C) a misunderstanding led to my family...(me, my husband, friends), to pitch in and clean up after. NOBODY cared except for her mind you....(this could have been avoided had we hired the caterer of her choice, of course).
D) I'm pretty sure that dumping her caterer put her in a "bad" position socially, because "everyone whose anyone" uses that caterer....hmmm
I sent her a very nice thank you note and a gift certificate to a beautiful restaurant. I figured, give her time, she will lighten up. Soon after that, my brother let us know he was diagnosed with Parkinsons. So I figured, she probably knew that at the wedding and was taking out her anger on me. Fine. She needs time.
Well, today is Thanksgiving. I am not with my husband (we will live 3000 miles apart until the summer), and that's fine, really.
But said brother and sister in law are having a huge shindig today, have invited all the relatives for miles....and have excluded my husband....who, not to make sound pathetic, is not doing anything, as his mom had heart surgery yesterday, and his daughter is with her mom.
My sister was invited, and didn't dare say anything to mad SIL, which leads me to believe I am a scourge still. (Said SIL makes NO bones about her anger....but always behind other's backs....)
As I write this I think of what my good friends here would say:
Why would your husband WANT to be invited to that B***** house anyway?
Well, he probably wouldn't, but if he were.....it would mean we were "forgiven" and she has put the "horrible day" (nice, huh...that's my wedding day) behind her. He is gracious enough to let it go and would probably welcome the invitation, although he thinks her behavoir at the wedding was inexusable....but we all have bad days, right?
I let this go....it comes up again....I let it go....it comes up again.
So what am I attached to? I guess the "family" I though I had, or the loving Sister in Law I thought I had. The one I thought I had before I found out differently.
It's all so very STUPID really....but the dis about Thanksgiving dinner is pretty amazing.
So, the question remains: say something and get this festering wound some air? Keep letting it go til I don't care about it?
Say: "I noticed you were angry at the wedding....do you want to talk about it?" I have seen her EXPLODE on someone...you have never seen such anger and bile...so why would I welcome that?
Say: "I haven't talked to you in a while...how's it going?"
See the thing is: I think in an adult relationship, people should be honest and should talk directly TO each other, not expect the other person to get why they are mad...or even that they are mad. So am I basically doing the same thing.. by not talking to her? But on one hand, I don't really want to acknowledge that she had any power over my wedding day, or my having bad memories of it..... yet that's true... AND I really don't think she has a legitimate reason TO be mad at me... I didn't do anything wrong!
Is this just me wanting everyone to love me??? Usually, I call everyone on Thanksgiving. I won't call my brother's house today, though. So that's a little sad....why am I such a chicken???
I must add that it makes me sad for my daughter, as we will be moving to that area next summer, and she has visions of hanging out with her aunt and uncle, etc. My brother is super nice....he just won't "cross" his wife...and he has enough crap on his plate now.
Bit of a rant, sorry... Love some food for thought (yup, it's Thanksgiving)