Hey all Thanks for all your replies. I am not well today so sorry if the following reply is somewhat fuzzy/hazy.
Sallying forth: It is difficult to know what is meant by boundaries. However, taking into consideration what other people have said I think I may need to give this more thought.
Thanks all for this. It is very therapeutic. Sorry if my post is looong.
Hi Stayhuman,
Boundaries are about deciding what is acceptable behavior from others and defining our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual space and identity. Making boundaries comes with healing. The more we heal the stronger and healthier our boundaries become. The purpose of having boundaries is to protect and take care of ourselves. We need to be able to tell other people when they are acting in ways which are unacceptable to us.
The first step is starting to know we have the right to protect and defend ourselves. And it is our duty to take responsibility for how we allow others to treat us.
It is impossible to have a healthy relationship with someone who has no boundaries, with someone who cannot communicate directly, and honestly. Learning how to set boundaries is a necessary step in learning to be a friend to ourselves. It is our responsibility to protect ourselves.
My h told me 17 years ago that he hated that word, boundaries. Now I understand why. He doesn't have any and doesn't want me to have any either. And we do not have a healthy relationship.The purpose of a boundary is to make clear separations between different territory.
Also it is very important to set consequences that we are willing to enforce if someone violates our boundaries. Do not set consequences that you are unwilling to enforce. To set boundaries and not enforce them just gives the other person an excuse to continue in the same behavior.
Believe me, I know all about this. I began setting boundaries and then confronting my h when he violated those boundaries. Some of them were:
If you verbally abuse me, I will confront you about your behavior and share my feelings.
This became the catalyst for me to leave my h. It began with confronting his behavior.If you continue that behavior, I will ask you to leave.
If you keep repeating this behavior, I will consider all my options, including leaving this relationship.
And that is happening right now with my h. And that happened with my family of origin.If you break your plans with me by not showing up or by not calling me or by calling me at the last minute to tell me that you had something else come up, I will confront your behavior and share my feelings.
I did this with two different friendships. Both eventually were severed due the people continuing to behave like this.If you repeat that behavior, I will consider it to mean that you do not value or deserve my friendship.
I broke off my relationship with this friend because of this repeated behavior of not showing up for our time together.There are several excellent books on the topic of learning to define boundaries:
The Dance of Wounded Souls
Safe People
Boundaries in Marriage
Boundaries and Relationships
Boundaries, Where You End and I BeginHere is a web site:
http://www.healthyboundaries.com/http://www.drdinaevan.com/boundaries.comThis web site has a very clear chart about the difference between having good and bad boundaries.
Some examples listed:
Without good boundaries: Feel afraid, anticipate crisis, always expect worst to happen.
With good boundaries: Feel secure, grounded and able to cope.
W/O Good: Difficulty saying "no"
W Good: Able to set limits. Can say "no"
W/O Good: Unable to get angry but often feel victimized
W Good: Can express healthy anger and refuse to be victimized
BTW StayHuman no post is ever too long. Pour your heart out and write to us.
Well there is an exception to that. The board has a topic length of 20,000 characters. I did exceed that once when posting "A Time for Letting Go." I wanted to write a book and the board objected.