Hi all:
Interesting topic Hoppy!
For me.........I kind of did the exact opposite of what ya'll are saying.
Does blocking your telephone count?
I called up the phone company and ordered "call blocking", pumped in the phone numbers of my abusers and their buddies....and sent a note by snail mail which stated:
"Please do not call my home at this time. If you have anything to communicate to me, please do so by email or regular mail".
Until reading this thread.....I hadn't thought about what a strong boundary I had put in place. It just seemed like I did something mean but necessary, at the time.
It's taken awhile to realize it wasn't mean.....it was kind. I could have said what I was really thinking (

) and that would not have been very kind at all. Plus....I had to so something to help myself feel safe....I was shaking every time the phone would ring......waiting for the next nasty call. It was kind of me NOT to report these people for harassment (or stupid??). It was kind of me to stop them from hurting me further......kind to me. Someone had to be kind to me!! That wasn't just necessary......it was reasonable.
That boundary was a big step. A major statement. And it worked.
My abuser(s) tell too many lies to put them in writing. I've yet to receive an email or a letter. That would be evidence that would be tough to argue wouldn't it? No. They are waaaaaaaaay too smart to put any of that stuff in writing. There is now a cold silence that suits me fine (other then through the grape vine comments that drift in now and then). It helped me detach very much.
And the best part......I feel safe. I can answer my phone. I can look in mail box or open my emails....and feel comfortable.....no shaking....no fear. It put a safe distance between my abuser(s) and me.

I'm a big fan of "BLOCK" whatever. If it puts up a wall that helps you feel safe and keeps people from invading your space, from causing you hurt or harm, from upsetting you......go for it.
It can always be turned off later, if that seems reasonable.
