Author Topic: The worst way to be find out about things not going well in the relationships  (Read 4038 times)

Sallying Forth

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I think my h is on the receiving end of the worst way to find out about things not going well in the relationship. In other words, he should be writing this.

Me writing this:
I have withdrawn from him emotionally.
I don't want to talk on the phone with him.
I frequently cut telephone conversations short.
I have started to ask other people to help me around the house and less and less rely on him.
I don't call him any more.
I don't look forward to him coming to visit.

Him writing this:
She rarely calls me any more.
She seems angry with me all the time.
She doesn't share what she's going through any more.
She doesn't want to talk with me on the phone.
She frequently cuts conversations short.
She doesn't call me to ask for help as much.
She is calling other people to have them help her.
She doesn't ask me to drive her to therapy any more. I feel displaced. I feel lost.
I wonder if she's thinking about a divorce? I kind of aluded or hinted to this last time I spoke with her. She  became silent.
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D