"In the past much of my social behavior was determined by my sense of safety."
What was the basis for knowing something was safe? Did you find that you needed to be voiceless or censored to feel safe?
Listening to my gut instinct, more than anything else. Listening to my own voice inside myself, if I didn't feel comfortable saying it out loud. Closely observing people, but again, following my own instinct more than anything.
"How do I deal with people whose communication behaviors trigger fight-or-flight response in me, when I must deal with them (at work, for example)?"
Can you give some subtle examples of what might trigger a fight or flight response in you at work or in your social arena?
:lol:I work in a busy blood testing lab - we did over 98,000 tests in November 2005 alone. I'm always multitasking with WAAAAY too many things to do. One of the 'heavy hitters' at my job has a nasty habit of yelling at me, sharply, in an accusing tone of voice, assuming I screwed something up. (Co-workers validated my sense that this woman was singling me out). Never, but never, had I made the mistake. But, I'd be stuck in adrenalyned response, 'frozen' like a deer in headlights, for the next hour or two, mechanically going through the motions of doing my job and then getting the hell out of there when I was done.
Socially: this really messed up human being - semi-homeless abuse survivor, probably 23? - very good-looking - pulled the good old 'You've ever fallen in love at first sight?' thing on me. I froze. He had gotten my phone number prior to pulling this rabbit out of the hat. It took me ten days to get him out of my life...But I did. He also kissed me without asking or anything, just sortof did it (in a way that might have been considered 'romantic' from the movies)...all it did was freeze me.
I've recovered well in both situations: as I said about the boy, he's safely out of my life; and as for work, well, three weeks ago I finally talked to my supervisor about this old battle axe. Though the big boss of the lab didn't handle it perfectly, she must have ripped that lady a new one, because she doesn't aggressively interrupt my work anymore.
I guess I don't see myself all that clearly outside of how I've been negatively defined by others. I carry that confusion with me every where I go now.
This is really, really important, CeeMee...Sometimes I think that all the picking-on and controlled things I've lived through are written in me somewhere, like a code for other controllers to pick up on subconsciously. Like there's a target on me somewhere, that was put there by others when I was growing up. Its really strange.
I am seriously thinking about quitting my job. I've been there over 15 years and it is time to move on while there is something of myself to salvage. Wow Andromeda, thank you. Your post has really touched on something.
Get one of those Knock 'Em Dead resumee books. If there's one thing I've learned, I can always get another job. In fact, I'm in the process of trying to do that right now!

"- attentive listening, supportiveness, and understanding (N-supply?!!)."
Are you saying here that these things can be N supply when we give them in hopes of receiving them? I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand.
No, I mean this:
One of the things that makes me a great friend is my ability to listen. I can REALLY listen. I'm really accepting and a very gentle person, and complete strangers come up to me to unburden themselves sometimes. Like, a varsity high school football player coming to my booth at a diner to tell me about how hard it is to take care of his mother who's recovering from a double mastectomy, and cries. (His dad abandoned the family). Anyway...I think sometimes I developed that because its what I always wanted, someone to listen to me share my hopes, fears and dreams. I still have a hard time articulating my hopes, fears, dreams, everyday stuff because my parents never ever listened to them...would tell me that what I was experiencing was 'wrong' or 'strange' or whatever (I think I was their 'alien baby'

) and not honor my expression of my experiences...So, I give what I most want to receive.
And I'm slowly learning to give myself that kind of listening.
My apologies for taking so long to return to the board. Its I guess not a habit yet? And also, since it nourishes me to come here, well, it's the last thing I'll do...(sad but true...not so good with the self-care am I...)