Author Topic: my sister help!!!  (Read 1701 times)


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my sister help!!!
« on: December 21, 2005, 04:37:41 AM »
can anyone help? im convinced my mother is "n" my question is about one of my sisters. this sister, i have always thought, leads a life thats like a cabon copy of my mothers. this sister and her children seem to be "favorates" my mother disowned me and one other sister, but kept the carbon copy sister close.
this sister of mine, lives across the road from my mother, she has bought an identicle house and she has begun to make this house very similar to my mothers house. even down to the conservatory is identicle. my sister sent her kids to the same school we all went to, and she has the same expectations for her kids as we all did. now its easy to understand now why my mother choose this source of supply as my sister is very needy and is at my mothers beck and call, agreeing with everything my mum says or does. she does not think for herself or seem too.

i have 2 questions. firstly, could my sister be a "n" or could it be she mimicks her mother as a way of gaining and seeking attention from her as well as feeling thats the only way she can feel accepted??

now, the other side which i am gravely worried about. my mother never wanted girls. she only wanted boys and made that plainly obvious and we were constantly reminded of that fact! now all of us daughters had boys. my mother seemed to pick a boy from each family which was "favorate, special" i think it was the cycle beginning over again and she was recreating her life with these boys. but anyway, years ago, my mother would do something that i didnt aprove, but dare not question. she would encourage the boys to stick their tongues out and then she would get her tongue and touch theirs, but then make a joke and go erghhhhhhhhh! she would repeat this a few times, like a game, but to me i felt sick as it just didnt seem right.
now, after reading about "n" i have been worried about my nephews. im worried my 2 nephews are going to be sexualy abused in some way. i know they are going to be used, just like all us daughters were. my sister, the choosen one would be blissfully unaware, but obviously if she is "n" shes not going care either way. i havnt spoken to my sister for 2 years, as she is classic "follow my leader" she disowned me and the other sister along with my mum.
what do you guys think? should i be worried about my nephews? do you think there is a threat of sexual abuse? what can i do? its one thing to behave like this with me, i got out and i thank god i did. but my poor nephews dont realise their fate!

and why do i feel paranoid, kind of like a horror movie where a person goes insane! the world of "n" is awful!! and why do i feel cheated, that i wanted to hurt my mother the way she hurt me, but know thats never going to happen!!! arghhhhhhhhhh!!
« Last Edit: December 21, 2005, 05:04:13 AM by darky »


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Re: my sister help!!!
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2005, 05:29:36 AM »
Hiya Darky

I didn't want to read and run.... but I'm not sure what advice I can offer!  I take it these 2 nephews are your sister's sons who live opposite your Mum?  Apologies if I've got this all mixed up.

If you haven't had contact for a couple of years, I'm not really sure what you can do.... if anything is actually happening to them.  Really really hard situation to be in.... I really feel for you.

Sorry I can't be of any help.

H&H xx

Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care


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Re: my sister help!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2005, 05:48:48 AM »
yes, my nephews are the children of the sister who lives opposite my mother. thankfully, my children dont have anything to do with her now :)


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Re: my sister help!!!
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2005, 08:02:09 AM »
im worried my 2 nephews are going to be sexualy abused in some way. i know they are going to be used, just like all us daughters were.

How so? Were you sexually abused???

What your mother is doing to your nephews is terrible. I don't think you can make your sis see the light. I don't think you can do anything just like that. You probably have to wait, document, gather witnesses, what not. Even then, it may be a dicey proposition. One thing you can do is develop a good relationship with your nephews.

Yes, I know what you mean. The world of N is like a horrible gothic movie, where every person goes insane.


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Re: my sister help!!!
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2005, 10:43:44 AM »
i was thinking more along the lines whats that movie called where the aliens are walking round like humans????


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Re: my sister help!!!
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2005, 11:30:50 AM »
Hi Darky,

Invasion of the Body Snatchers is the flick you're thinking of. The similarities between Ns and that movie is a recurring theme here.

I have no idea whether your nephews are in danger of sexual abuse but I do have a couple of thouhts about your sister.
People who are sucked in by an N can become indistinguishable from the N. Now, they might be utterly unaffected were they cut off from contact with the N. But while in their orbit they're behavior so mocks the Ns it is impossible for somebody like us to know whether they are just brainwashed, codependent dopes or actual Ns.
Unless we can somehow pry them out of the system they are embedded in it really doesn't matter much; the effect on us is the same as if they really had NPD.
In some ways the behavior of an accomplice is more repulsive. Someone with NPD has the excuse of a serious malady, what's the excuse of a volunteer?



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Re: my sister help!!!
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2005, 01:01:27 PM »
you have raised something interesting there mudpuppy! my "sister" and i use the term loosley, has trampled, lied and manipulated to get where she is. it seems she will do almost ANYTHING to get what she wants, (it seems ultimatley my mother) including trampling on others. i never could understand her lack of loyalty to me and my other sister. it did used to be a joke, that she would only ring when she wanted something, and she does love to brag about what shes got and we would only get an invite round to her house when she had done something new, like a new kitchen or something. maybe she is just a vile sad person who seeks my mothers affection to the detriment of others because of her own insecurities, or maybe shes npd. i dont know! either way my nephews, god love them, are doomed!

miss piggy

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Re: my sister help!!!
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2005, 12:39:06 AM »
Hi Darkie,

Go to and find the stuff on What Makes Narcissists Tick.  there's loads of info there.  Find the part about the making of a narcissist.  You'll find a pretty good explanation of what might be going on with sis. 

Sounds like my brother.  It's really important that he get all the "love".

As for your nephews, don't feel guilty for thinking about your own survival and that of your kids.  You can't take it all on.  Sounds harsh, but your sister is responsible for her sons.  JMO.

Hope this helps.  MP


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Re: my sister help!!!
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2005, 12:15:54 PM »
Hi Darky,

MP is right on the money. That site is chock full of insight and things that confirm what we intuitively suspect.
I found her explanation of what to expect from 'innocent bystanders' the clearest, smartest explanation I've seen.
It also explains how an enmeshed enabler comes to look just like an N.
