My mind is just scared, next Friday the 13th will be court by phone and as the time gets near the reality of my welcomed divorce I must face it's outcome.
Exactly what have you done to cause the pain?
Is it your fault that the only safe thing to do was to get away
nothing but try to prevent more of it......and to heal it!!
I believed staying in the relationship was to protect her. With a remote chance of joint custody I felt staying would give her better protection, this made sense but maybe I was wrong.
Her father tells her lies and defending myself is not something she wants to hear.
I will get stronger and fell better after the divorce is over and decisions are made.
Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength."
Tonight I drove the girls to the indoor skate board park, on the way my D received a phone call.
(I don't know more that what I heard)
D was being asked if she knew about something that happened at school today.
She is telling the caller his girl friend who was hurting herself (I don't know how) D went to the school counselor to let them know the girl needs help and the caller should not be upset at D or think she's not cool for saving the girls life (I don't know how much drama this is ) I just now got back after dropping them off we reached our destination before I could find out details.
I'm impressed that she understands the darkness of what she is seeing and brave enough to stand up for what she believed was important. She felt her friends life was in danger and wanted to find her help. I would hope the girl was not cutting and got carried away.
I felt she almost wanted me to hear this conversation, being confident to tell the caller she had concerns and believed she was doing the right thing to help her friend stop hurting herself no matter if it made her uncool.
anchor yourself to the reality and know that you are a great mother
My reality can be difficult to explain sometimes to my D, I must sit alone sometimes and trust she understands she has a great mother. I find my confidence gets stronger and will tell her how lucky she is to have me as her mother. Kids don't see it but I tell her I would like her to confide in me she does sometimes but she says she just doesn't want me to know everything. I must respect her wishes and expect a time will come when she wants to share.
Look at all of us who just started healing well into adulthood
This is so true, my life and the decisions I made were generated from the lack of love, understanding and rejection. I would not want to watch my D have any part of that pain the fear can overwhelm me.
I would not want her to feel lost or rebel like I did that frightens me very much.
Feelings of blame and shame do nothing but keep you mired with guilt
OK, OK I'm sorry I said I felt blame, your correct to dwell in guilt does nothing good.
I will trust my D to walk through this and grow to understand what is healthy and wonderful about her life.
I LOVE you all for being here for me, thank you ..... OR