H & H,
That's cooll, don't feel badly about the three months.
But if my recent disaster's any help, in addition to a list of job responsibilities, I'd keep a running log of what you accomplish or how many tasks you juggle and manage during the three months. Then a week BEFORE your review, you can write up a nice little summary and give it to them. "I would like to share this summary with you because it will help you as you prepare for my review."
Kind of puts them on notice that you're expecting them to be competent fair managers.
Wish I'd done that, because I was unprepared and got shafted (I even got a "Superlative" rating from an important committee on a major task, and my scatterbrained boss didn't even mention that contribution...just yanked me in "to sign this form" 20 minutes before it had to be turned in, so I had no opportunity to iinfluence what he wrote.)
GOOD for you and feel PROUD!
You earned it. Was neat to see you say "I like a challenge"--you'll thrive.
Change is always wacky but this is good-wacky!