Hi again Evelyn:
It is my dutiy to seek the most comprehensive help I possibly can.
I love the way you put that. I agree. It's not just your duty to show your children the way to live in peace and what a person must
not tolerate......but it is also your duty to yourself to look after
You deserve so much better than what you're living in. No one deserves to be abused. You are waaaaaay more valuable than that. And your children are too. They're absorbing it....and it hurts them too.
About the money.....there is no money in the world that can make itself more valuable than the peace your freedom will bring. The relief from the continuous pick, pick, picking alone is worth it's weight in gold.
It may be hard financially but at least your money will be your own....to manage as you see fit..rather than a tool for him to use to grind you down with.
Small steps Evelyn. Is there a woman's shelter anywhere near? They will understand and there will be valuable resourses for you there. Also...often counsellors for low or no cost.
Keep posting Evelyn. Keep reading.
Someone once told me: "We all have courage. We just have to use it".
Don't let fear take over. You're still you. You've just lost some confidence but you can get it back.
regarding my ability to remove myself from the madness. He "sweet-talks" me out of the idea of separating,...
It sounds to me like you want to remove yourself and your children from "the madness". My advice, although I am certainly no expert either, is to first......remove yourself...emotionally....from the madness.
The technique is simple but not easy (takes time and practice but you'll be surprised how quick you can make this work for you).
Imagine he's speaking another language. You don't really let his words in.
His mouth is moving and there is air passing in and out but..in your head...there is some gibberish.

It can even be fun! You can pretend he's saying really crazy stuff....like:
"I have purple teeth and I pick my nose when I'm asleep".
Stuff like that. I'm serious. I want you to stop crying about the crap he's saying/doing whatnot.
My guess is ..if you can get to the point of saying:
"Uh huh"......"What?....hmmmmmmm" ....."I have to go to the bathroom now"...
If you can just stop allowing his words/actions to penetrate you emotionally.....and cause hurt.....you will start to feel a whole lot better. Just think.....without moving a finger!!!
That's why it's simple. But......it's also a kind of new habit to form. Your probably used to paying attention to his stupid insults/put downs/whatnot. You can decide not to do that any more and then work at letting it all wash over...like water off a duck (some cute line I didn't coin).
What do you think Evelyn? Willing to give it a go?
What he says is.....nothing. Just wind. It's goobledeegobble. Nonsense.
((((((((another big hug)))))))))