Thank you.
I'm not sure everyone gets what I am saying sometimes, and when I see people about to start WW3 or go another round or dance...I want to say: don't do it! But I know everyone has their own path to work out.
Personally I think I have spared myself and my family grief by deciding that ex-n-h will be an ongoing part of my life, so let's make it a good healthy part as much as possible.
If you heard some of our conversations though- you'd laugh.
He was supposed to return the boy today around lunch, I called at 2 pm and he was still sleeping and told my son, tell your mother don't come over if she's mad at me!
I went over and burst in shouting where is he, let me at him...and we all laughed.
He's not going to change so I might as well adapt to the situation with humour.
Compared to many others here, I feel very fortunate to have an ex who just wants us to get along and doesn't want me to be angry with him. I treat him like the pathetic little boy that he is, but I no longer have to manage his life, be responsible for his bad behavior, or depend on him for anything but money. I'm very good with that.
absolutely. Me too.
I feel I have been the kindest person I could be and if I've been angry or unreasonable- well I'm only human.
But like you I watch ( in dismay sometimes ) as I see he can't grow up. And I love him, and can see the wonderful 'might have been' future we could have had, and just have to let go just as I would if he had a brain tumour or something else I cannot predict or control.+
my son initially wanted to live with daddy, and spent a happy six months slumming it and late bedtimes, eating what he wanted, watching unsuitable tv.
Now he's back largely with me, a couple of nights a week at Dad's.
He's realised that daddy's just another kid, and he still needs an adult parent more than not.
I am so glad I ddn't fight it and let my boy work it out for himself, though everyone was saying when he moved in with his dad that I should fight.
How can you fight a shape-shifting angst-ridden bundle of talented no-person?