Lily, you might find the thread on Emotional Vampires interesting.
Like I said, I don't have much in the way of personal experience with Maharaji, and I am aware of those who attribute to him traits of an N in his personal life. For all I know, he may be an N. And if that is the case, I definitely would not want to be in a primary interpersonal relationship with him.
Anyhow, in that other thread we are talking about how some people who have been hurtful in their interpersonal relationships have also made great and positive changes for larger masses of people (such as Eleanor Roosevelt and others -- maybe Martin Luther King, Jr. too, but I can't remember as well now the downside of what has been revealed about him).
For N personalities that do have an effect on large numbers of people, I'm very appreciative when that work is truly for the Good. Obviously there have been many who have the N personality that have been terribly destructive -- such as Hitler, Jim Jones and others too current to mention.