Author Topic: What is your N's Birth sign?  (Read 3608 times)


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What is your N's Birth sign?
« on: January 16, 2006, 04:48:54 PM »
I wonder if those of us who have several N's in our life have ever had them ALL the same birth sign? 

I can't figure if my three main N's (that have impacted my life most) are in a sign with more dominant traits for this issue or if this is just my life challenge to learn to deal with this certain kind of person.   it just happens that they all fall into the same birth sign.  (Mom, only sister, and husband)

Anybody else seem to be dealing with a "life theme"?

Must be my test.  Either way it is driving me bonkers!

Have a great day all!


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Re: What is your N's Birth sign?
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2006, 05:01:04 PM »
Two major N's in my life are from February.

Three (maybe four... I am not sure if the fourth is N) other ones are from August.


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Re: What is your N's Birth sign?
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2006, 05:06:09 PM »
hiya, i think i will always be searching for reasons and trying to make sense of it all, all of my life, i dont blame you for that!! my n's birth sign is cancer. thats july. she was the youngest of her family as well. she did come from a "dysfunctional" family as her mother, so i have found out was married 3 times and had 5 children from 3 different fathers. when you think my mum is 52, and my nan would be 88 now, those kinds of things didnt happen in those days. one of my grandmothers children was adopted too.


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Re: What is your N's Birth sign?
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2006, 06:26:18 PM »
In my case:

Nmom-Aries  (outgoing, extroverted type)

Ndad-Taurus (unassuming, introverted type)

Nsister-Libra  (quiet, introverted type except to those she "loves" then she's hell on wheels)

N-ish father in Law-Cancer (people-oriented, extroverted type)

Nsister-in Law-Libra (talkative, extroverted type)

Nmaternal grandpa-Cancer (high-stepping, extroverted type)

Nmaternal grandma-Sagittarius (moody, introverted type with same knack as Nsister for slipping into extroversion to get her point across)

There are alleged Nothers (great-aunts, cousins, and Npaternal grandfather/grandmother but I don't know their signs or their real, true history (kept hidden by Nparents) so it's probably not as safe to say they're bonafide Ns, (but you tend to know the tree by the fruit it bears, right.) so I'll just say that I too, like you Surrounded, am surrounded.

I went on a similar astrology search myself, and, found out a lot of other interesting "life themes", and not just about my Nkin.  Astrology's fun.

Tiff-double Pisces (a work in progress)!   :shock: :P

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Re: What is your N's Birth sign?
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2006, 07:23:54 PM »'re saying that these N's just take on the characteristics of their particular birth sign to manifest their sickness?  Have you noticed that?  

My N's have, like yours, each have different ways of dealing with it or showing it (personalities), but the end result is still the same.

Everyone around them suffers.  

Fascinating stuff---IMO.


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Re: What is your N's Birth sign?
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2006, 10:08:29 PM »

I believe there are myriad factors at play determining how we will express our personalities and unconscious drives.  Each individual comes to Earth a template and there are soooo many reasons a child becomes the type of adult s/he does. 
You've got culture, geographic location, astrological sign, birth order, DNA-genetic tendencies, socialization, race, neighborhood, education, love/affection/attention, religion, the list goes on.  We really get to see how those factors really affect us when we look at research studies of twins or the adopted or even cohorts from a certain, specified group.  Those of us who are separated from our biological families tend to still express mannerisms, gestures, demeanors, and attitudes of our biological family even without the input.  The influences on our personalities are great.

IMO, and I am a Pisces, so I do believe there's some truth to be found in pretty much Everything, your Sun sign is a LARGE determinant in how you will express yourself to the world.  It's almost like your Sign gives you your tools, the manner in which you will express your thoughts and intentions, and the other aforementioned factors may lend more to what's behind those actions, the intentions themselves.  This is what makes Narcissism such an important thing to notice in our lives.  If you are like me and believe that Nism is actually The Adversary's  way of spreading evil and darkness around the world, veiled and insidious as it is, then you will see a larger picture emerge.   We are all born with the capacity for wrong-doing, but some of us, (whether by way of abuse or neglect), choose to feed a deep hunger for the wrong-doing, and try to get away with it. 

Your Sun sign probably lends to you just how you'd try to cover it up.  Some signs like say the Water signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) will connect (or manipulate) on emotional, nonverbal levels.  They are silent, mysterious types.  Air signs (Gemini, Aquarius and Libra) desire contact and communication, therefore may try to enlist Nsupply by using sex or by bearing news/gossip, Fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo) tend to be rather volatile, quick to anger, quick to forgive, and act on impulses. and Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo) lean towards being material, practical and conservative but are generally highly attracted to dark, mysterious, people. 

Have you casted your natal chart, Surrounded?  Have you looked at your profile to see what you're really like?  If you were in denial before you read it, you won't be once your finished.  There was something about reading my own astrological profile that changed me.  Never before, having any support or appreciation by my Nparents for who I really was as a child and young adult, I found my chart to re-affirming and steadying.  Even the not-so-great qualities about myself, I embraced because there it was, it was me.  Accepting yourself is relatively easy compared to accepting those in your life, you can't do anything about changing. 

Astrology kind of arms you, though.  It gives you a great idea as to how they (the malignant, evil-doing Ns) may come at you the next time they attack.  And while most malignant Ns are opportunists fond of attacking the vulnerable who happen into their paths, you could be clued into just "how" they might work their schemes on you if you only knew their birthdate.  I love having little "secret weapons" in my arsenal for my defense if needed.  It really helps when dealing with my parents, two totally different types of malignant Ns.  I know my Aries mom is going to just go on and on and on bragging or complaining inserting criticisms and innuendo throughout, whereas my Taurus dad is going to try to "kindly" insist I take a hand-me-down, washer/dryer combo set that may flood my basement or blow all the fuses in my home.  :lol:


miss piggy

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Re: What is your N's Birth sign?
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2006, 04:32:25 PM »
Hello all,

I wonder if N can be attributed to a certain planet or interaction between two planets in certain houses, etc. vs. a particular sun sign.  I have Ns in my family that are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Sag, and more.  perhaps it isn't the sign but the interaction between your sign and your N's sign.  For example I don't get along with women born in the third month of a certain sign (don't want to alienate anyone here, though).  It's very consistent.

I became enthralled with astrology when I followed my hunch that although I do not "act" like my sun sign outwardly, I must have a rising sign or some other aspect to explain the reason.  So I had my chart done.  And in fact, I am a Scorpio rising sign (quiet and reserved and drawn to the unseen in life).  In small groups, I'm very sun sign Leo (in a good way, of course).   8)

ciao, MP


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Re: What is your N's Birth sign?
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2006, 07:25:49 PM »
Taurus and Aries


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Re: What is your N's Birth sign?
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2006, 09:45:11 PM »
My N-ex is a Virgo, my mother N is Virgo. I would not want a Virgo in my life again.

Lets say you were at a birthday party, everyone was watching the cake come through the room.
With everyone singing the person holding the cake falls and makes a big mess.

1. what would you do?

would you say

1. "get the broom"

2. "OH don't worry we will get another cake"

3." Well if you had been looking were you were going this would not have happen"

4. Be upset that yooooou won't be having cake

5. OH if only you had not looked at me, you distracted me it's all your fault!!!

6. OK get the dogs to clean up the mess, forget the cake lets have some wine !!!

Maybe we all have our special way we react to life, and some people should not ever be in the same room together because they will always have conflict.

I think number 4 and 6 should get together and see they can be happy with a little effort.
Number 3 and 2 will have some struggle because 3 would have the Idea 2 is to kind with replacing the cake.

Number 1 wants to clean up and move on, so he can hang out with 6.

I'm happy with who I am and understand I am special in my own way trying to make an impact on those around me.    OR   (I'm Scorpio born on Halloween)

« Last Edit: January 17, 2006, 09:48:00 PM by onlyrenting »


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Re: What is your N's Birth sign?
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2006, 05:28:27 AM »
Lets say you were at a birthday party, everyone was watching the cake come through the room.
With everyone singing the person holding the cake falls and makes a big mess.

1. what would you do?

would you say

1. "get the broom"

2. "OH don't worry we will get another cake"

3." Well if you had been looking were you were going this would not have happen"

4. Be upset that yooooou won't be having cake

5. OH if only you had not looked at me, you distracted me it's all your fault!!!

6. OK get the dogs to clean up the mess, forget the cake lets have some wine !!!

I'd probably say No.2... and then aim to do the second part of 6  :lol:

Bio dad is Sagitarius.

Mum & Stepdad are Leos

and I'm an Aries! (though with the amount of aries N's, I should possibly have kept that one quiet!)
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care


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Re: What is your N's Birth sign?
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2006, 09:23:41 AM »
Reading over the replies here, I don't think that birth sign can be an indicator of n characteristics.  My n father was a Leo, my first n husband, an Aries and my second a Gemini.  I am a Cancer, as is my daughter, and we both have those characteristics through and through.  We are the nurturers, the homebodies, very sensitive, but can be moody and withdraw into our shells.  I don't think either of us could be considered n, as we are as empathetic as they come.

I do believe that birth signs can affect the personalities, traits, and characteristics that a person displays and may make someone predisposed to becoming n, but it would appear that it comes through in virtually every sign.  Maybe with further analysis, some signs may display worse characteristics or different n traits.

BTW, H & H, my bf is an Aries, and he is definitely not an n--so not to worry. :).



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Re: What is your N's Birth sign?
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2006, 10:23:19 AM »
BTW, H & H, my bf is an Aries, and he is definitely not an n--so not to worry. :).

Phew....  :lol:
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care


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Re: What is your N's Birth sign?
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2006, 06:39:33 PM »
I studied Palm reading when I was very young, I was so confused by the feed back I received from my mother. I was looking for any way to prove to myself I had some good qualities about myself. I studied Palmistry and learned what I believed was helpful to me. I became more excepting of myself and my traits, keep in mind this was in the mid 70's

Looking at my hand some traits I could see might contribute to traps for me leading me to people like my ex.

Brief descriptions, but I have thought about how I can see physical signs

1. My middle finger is extremely long : represents my thoughts about right and wrong = lots of guilt if I don't do what I think is the right thing. 

2. Small finger is on the short side and curved : communication very blunt and can be manipulative good salesman.

3. Heart line extremely long and straight:  I would love too much, blind to see negative things in someone I love but once the blinders come off it's over.

4. thumb is very long very strong will .

I gather these few traits about myself and mix with an N, I can see how this all happened.

1.My ex had health issues soon after we married: I would never leave out of guilt. (strong trait) (middle finger)

2.He was a good looking N, I had my love blinders on for many years, but once the blinders came off I began to let go and grieve the loss of my Ideal marriage. (Heart) 

3. I had a strong will and would have never given up

4. I could have been a better communicator and lack in this area, I have learned I don't need to manipulate because I no longer feel voiceless.

This is just fun stuff... !!!...........OR

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Re: What is your N's Birth sign?
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2006, 02:26:44 PM »
This IS very fascinating stuff!  I am aquarius.  I have got to check this out.  Sun sign, moon signs, my palms.  Anything to help me understand before I lose it!

OnlyRenting----What about a veeeeerrrrry long toe????  Just joking.   :lol:
AND...I would do #1---cause I'm the mom and/or N H woudl freak if the mess wasn't cleaned up right away.
Then, #2 cause I do have a heart.   And it isn't that big a deal.
And then eventually, #3  cause I would be repeating my N mother and this is what I always heard (hear)
Never #4 or #5.
Really want to do #6---but not.

Yes, I run around in circles a lot.  

Sorry to any Caps out there--but I've got 4 Capricorns backing me into a corner right now.  I just barely realized the 4th one is a Capricorn.  Very intersting.   This is too funny, really.  I could laugh or cry.  I choose to laugh.  AND figure out how to get out of the corner with out throwing too many punches!