Hiya ((((((((((Plucky)))))))))):
I feel honoured that you trust us enough to post all of this stuff that is tormenting you. Thankyou for that. I bet you will counter that you are the grateful one but honestly......I just feel you have come such a long way since arriving here and have given us a gift........and I truly want to thank you.
And each time my disdain for him grows. In the recent past, this was anger but now I generally just feel ickiness.
Icky isn't any fun either, is it? In the above I see two very, very, very detrimental statements:
1. "...my disdain for him grows."
and 2. "I..... feel ickiness".
These two things alone are enough for me to bluntly suggest that you are not in a marriage......you are in a bad relationship that is causing you harm.
I've been in shoes similar to yours Plucky. I remember the confusion and the frustration and the many, many thoughts and feelings that ALSO drained my spirit (along with doing ALL of the household work and being the SOLE care giver to my children.......my ex never changed a diaper, never pushed a stroller, never took a child to the park or anywhere for that matter, never dressed, fed or cuddled or played with his children, ever....nothing. He layed on the couch (when he was home), watched sports, got drunk, and criticised whatever III was doing. Neither did he answer me when I spoke/or made eye contact/or behaved in any way kindly toward me.......for years!!! He would do nothing unless I coaxed and begged or nagged and bitched and howled and even then....it was when heeeeeeeeee was ready......ifffffffffff heeeeeeeeeeeee felt like it). It was easier to just do everything myself. There is much more that I could put here but I won't. I just want you to know that you're not alone. And that you are notttttttt over-reacting!!
You're not alone Plucky and thanks for reaching out here......for trusting.....because you will help others to do the same thing....maybe. You're doing a good thing for you and for others and for me too by posting and sharing and trusting. I think that's a great sign that you are regaining part of yourself.....if you feel like part has been lost?? ... because you're not just plodding along like a robot....doing what you have to do and keeping your feelings inside.........trying to bury them........seething. Expressing your thoughts and feelings here is such a good thing, Plucky! It's waaaaaaaay better than trying to push it all down or keep it all in....and just keep going. I want to encourage you to keep posting.
What helped me decide? I went to Alanon. I learned how to live with my H without allowing him to effect my feelings---by choosing what to think and how to react (as someone else said......"don't let him change you"). I had changed because of his behaviour and Alanon helped me to change back.....quite a bit. After awhile...I felt pretty good. I was much happier. A much better parent too....more energy.....able to laugh from my gut....I enjoyed stuff...my kids......made a little space for myself....started taking care of me too....in little ways. Then one day, I was sitting at the table, in the middle of an Alanon meeting and this thought crossed my mind:
"I don't want to be sitting here when I'm 64. I can do this and it's much better than it was, but I don't
want to be doing this when I'm ready to retire or even 10......15 years from now....when my kids are older."
I found a counsellor (where I didn't have to pay) because I knew I needed support. An objective person to help me sort out my choices and help me see stuff clearly in order to make a realistic decision. I told her "I need help to separate from my husband" and she helped me.
Keep posting Plucky and find someone in the real world to talk to......if you possibly can. Someone not emotionally involved. Someone who will help you do whatever you want to do.
It sounds insane but to be honest, having no help at all is a LOT easier than having unwilling help, or non-existant help.
It was like this for me too, as Cadbury wrote. When I finally decided and we separated......I felt such relief. Like a massive weight had been taken off my shoulders. I was financially better off because he was drinking everything he brought home.....which still wasn't great but at least I had stability. I did allllllll of the work but at least no one was telling me I was doing it wrong. And there was peace in my home.
The tension was gone and that was sooo wonderful. The best! The tension that permeated the air was gone!
I spent a year trying to figure out what I had done wrong and feeling like a failure. And I came to the conclusion that it wasn't alllllllllll me. I'm not so bad. I did a lot of things right. And I was much better off not living with him. It was hard to grieve and manage and work and parent but not as hard as living in chaos and disruption.....and not as hard as constantly protecting myself by choosing every thought and reaction....and trying to live my own life in the same habitat as someone who was seriously messed up.
My exH held a job and seemed like a real nice guy to the rest of the world. He treated other people politely and used a pleasant or kind tone with them. It was me he treated with disdain (while my disdain for him grew against my own wishes). I was so much better off when he was gone......I can hardly put it into words.
I don't know if any of this will help you Plucky. I hope so. And thankyou for posting because you've helped me to trust a little more too. To find the courage to press "post" rather than delete. Keep posting for you.