My first big dog was a surrogate good brother, grandfather, and best friend. He revived me once. He was never, ever a face licker, but I'd had an arrythmia and fallen back on the bed near fainting, and he came right up and washed my face nonstop until I could get up and call to my friend.
I had an amazing time with a horse once. Was down at a stables on graduation day, crying my eyes out. A horse I'd never known walked up to the fence and I flung my arms around its neck and just sobbed. All that time, this strange horse stood perfectly still, letting me cry on its neck. No head tossing or twitching. I felt absolutely that it was giving me spiritual comfort, intentionally.
That was one of those holy moments with animals in my life.
And my little cat licked tears off my face once.
I had a friend with a pet bunny and asked her if he showed affection. She said yep he comes up to her and sort of butts her in the leg to show he's glad to see her.
So far, with daughter's python, I'm not feeling the love. But she finds he relaxes her, so that's good.