Hey Bloopsy,
Do you really think that I should move out of here and away???I do. I do not feel safe at all. I feel cery unsafe to tell you the truth. Especially becaue i feel like my family would not protect me due to the fact that subconciously or WHATEVER they want me dead or SOMETHING> ANYWAY> I think that i will start packing tonight perhaps. It is so wierd huh to flip around between these abusive relationships losing your mind isn't it????????????
Hey, I don't think we here on this board can tell you to move out of your house. I know you're really unhappy there, but it worries me to think of you out on your own with just a month's rent. You say that you're feeling a lot of fear, about your boyfriend...and you're also sure your family wants you dead.
I just want to toss up this thought: if your mind sometimes tells you things that aren't real, maybe your family is kind of clueless and don't know how to really help you--but don't really wish you harm. I mean, could you possibly be wrong about that? Could those possibly be just very scary thoughts, but not something real?
My thought is just, yes, by all means stay away from the boyfriend. Maybe just stay home in the evenings and don't go near his hangouts. But instead of thinking over and over that somebody is out to get you (the boyfriend or your family)-- I am hoping you'll put that energy instead into finding a new T, or going to a shelter just to talk to some women's advocate.
I hate to think of you rushing off with your suitcase with no plan...I'm not sure you're ready to be out there totally on your own, since you might just hook up with another abusive man, or sleep with someone in trade for shelter, like you mentioned.
Instead, can you call a women's shelter hotline and just tell them you need to come and talk to someone? They can probably recommend a really safe T who has helped women in your situation before.
If you can endure things where you are for a little while, but still go find a safe, kind
someone to help you think through your options...that might be a better plan.
Try to do what you've learned before to calm your mind a little. You can make these choices one step at a time--but do get some help. Don't try to go it alone when you're feeling fragile, okay?
I really think you can find your way through to a calmer life. But you deserve good, wise, kind help--and I feel so sure that a women's shelter would know the kind of people to recommend to you.
You're stronger than you think, Bloopsy. Try to calm the fear, and try to remember the most helpful things you've been taught or have tried when your "crazy" thoughts start overwhelming you.
Just one little decision at a time, okay? Well, two:
1) stay away from abusive men completely!! (Time for a man-break...)
2) call a shelter and make an appointment to go talk to somebody (and just tell them who you are, or show them what you've written--then they can help you better.
If you need to live somewhere else, a safe kind counselor can help you figure out how to get there, but one step at a time. (You did start trusting here, right? That shows you really can...)
Be careful, but don't be terrified, Bloopsy.
You are going to be okay.Hugs,