When I read posts like Jacmacs, all I can think is the old saying, "there but for the grace of God go I." My heart goes out to you, Jacmac.
That could have been me as my stepfather was a sex addict and I was "saved" only because I made a point of telling my Grandmother and Uncle. My stepfather was too afraid of what my Uncle would do to him if he touched me, so he didn't. Instead, my stepfather hated me for "telling" that he was starting to exhibit signs toward me, made my life a living hell from then on, and got my idiot/codependent Nmother to torture me and abuse me verbally even more than he did.
And, frankly, I realize now that I am older that my Nmother was insanely jealous of ALL women and that was the primary reason she was so cruel to me all the time. She could not wait for me to leave home.
And I could not wait to get the hell out even more than she wanted me out...so I got out and stayed away. The BEST thing I ever did.
Yes, I lost out on alot of money by doing what I did...but, who cares, I got out "safe" from any real sexual abuse.
As I said, Jacmac, my heart goes out to you...and take care of YOURSELF!