Err...the recent flurry of posts about awkward feelings has got my head stuck so far into my navel I can see thru my vertebrae.
And because one of the Nspots can be, well, isn't everything about meeeeeeee? It's embarrassing, but here's what I was just thinking:
What with a little bragging about my writing here and there (posted a poem way back, and recently a Salon letter) and my ... often-hearty appetite for posting... and my having a vigorous opinion on Just About Everything ...
Are my Nspots bigger than I think? Am I demonstrating internatlized Nishness so I've hurt anyone?
I hope not but if I have, I'm sorry.
I'd rather think I can just keep hopping along, but if I'm overlooking a chance for a reality check or a little lesson in how I might be coming across, I would not mind hearing it.
(Ain't eager to have my feelings hurt, of course. But I have a lot of respect for folks here, and I know I would learn.) So if anyone does have a thought or guidance, it'd be welcome.
Thanks all,