Author Topic: Silence!  (Read 1040 times)

Chuck Finn

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« on: February 10, 2006, 06:43:59 AM »
Hi Everyone

I am beginning to get sick of the constant arguing and manipulation on the board.  If you want to argue with another member, why don't you just PM them?  Treat it like a party- if you wanna argue, go outside and battle it out!
That way you are sparing all the rest of us who have no interest in your noise.  How can you let a thread accelerate into a full blown argument, don't you think it's kinda rude to do that on this board that's designed for the opposite?

There was a thread addressed to Dr Grossman recently where you all thanked him and told him how awesome he was.  Now I see it as disrespectful to treat his board in such a way.  To use the excuse of Voicelessness in this instance is down right manipulative and N-ish

Please, show a little respect for your fellow board users and Dr G



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Re: Silence!
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2006, 08:19:46 PM »

Where do you get off with the shame, shame, shame business?

The way you see things is right and anyone who doesn't see it your way is wrong?

Is that it?

Name calling is N-ish too.  So is your holier than thou, loud, ordering people around and your labelling of other people as disrespectful, rude and manipulative because they've struck one of your chords.

Why didn't you pm the specific people you're referring to instead of attacking everyone in general and attempting to download shame?

Can't you follow your own advice?
