("flying monkey" is a term from another board I frequent. It means a person that is sent out to do the main narcissist's bidding, either consciously or sub-consciously. It could be a relative, friend or co-worker that tries to get you to "make up" or smooth things over or tells you how you are the wrong one in whatever situation you are currently dealing with... taken from the Wizard of Oz's Wicked Witch's minions!)
So I have made the decision to not contact my N mom and it is going on 3 weeks since I've seen her, and about a week since I've checked in on her by phone.
My sister sends me an email yesterday.
This is it, titled : "A request"
Hey hon, I'm sorry to bother you with this, but I let
Valentine's day sneak up on me, and I had wanted to
send Mom some flowers from Krogers or Wal-mart but
waited too darned late.
I know it's asking a lot, but is there any way you
could please pick up a pretty bouquet for mom, in the
20 dollar range, and I'll send you a check for it? I
wanted to do something nice for mom cuz you and me
have our wonderful hubbies, and I wanted her to know
she was loved too. I know you have great taste in
flowers and could find her something pretty for me.
If you could do this, maybe just swing by a Krogers or
Walmart on your way home, and drop it off at Mom's for
me, I'd really appreciate it.
But if you can't, you can't- so if it's just too much
to ask, don't worry about it, but please write me back
and let me know- cuz if you can't I'll just try to
order something to be sent tomorrow. I just wanted
her to know I was thinking about her today, and am
kicking myself for waiting till the last minute.
Love you and hope you and (my husband) have a wonderful
Valentine's Day, I know you two love each other very
much and I'm so glad you two are happy together.

Now, this REALLY rubbed me the wrong way. One, she KNOWS that mom and I haven't spoken for a while, and all of the background info on what is going on. Two, she lives several states away, and is trying to make our mother out to be a poor, sick lonely woman who is the wronged one in all of this, even tho my sister has been on the receiving end of our mother's rages and nastiness in the past.
Couple that with the fact that I've been asked to go purchase and DELIVER said flowers for Valentines day. the fact that my sister has never sent anything before to our mother on that day, and that she KNOWS how uncomfortable I am about even being around our mother, and I just have to wonder what in the He!! she was thinking.
There is also the factor that my sister and her family is barely making it above poverty level and she is wanting to blow money on flowers for valentines day for our mother??? That has p!ssed off our mom in the past when my sister has sent flowers for her birthday or such, since she NEVER has money, and mootches off of our father (who is basically supporting her, her child and her pieceofsh!t husband). The waste of money gets her very upset, and sister has been told this in the past...
I love the idea that she points out how "wonderful" her hubby is, considering he is a thief, liar, (both proven and would hold up in a court of law!) and has lost every job he ever got and treats her like a doormat.
So she is either:
A. Trying to get us to talk/make up by making me deliver her flowers.
B. Trying to make herself look good, and also bring home how pitiful and lonely our mother is so I magically forget every nasty horrible thing she has ever done in my life and go back to being her slave.
I told her that I was not comfortable with doing that, and that a card or letter or phone call would be more appropriate than sending flowers and reminded her of mother's reaction to that in the past...
She probably will still send them, spend at least $50 she doesn't have, and our mom will end up LLOOOOOOVVVING them since sister is the "golden child" now!
I hate this! I don't want to be drawn back into this mess!!!