Hi again H&H, yes thank you

, I spent time up near Stoke and it was good. Lots of nice food, a long walk. But H caught a cold in London while I was away and now I have it and that’s annoying. London germs are the hardiest! At least I’m not at work. Speaking of which:
I had another thought and how about this for vicarious living? I was thinking only today that I wish I’d taken up an offer at work years ago to go on an assertiveness training course. At the time I felt really insulted by this suggestion and also felt that a course like that might make me vulnerable to my boss; show my weaknesses etc. And I don’t deal with being ‘controlled’ very well so put that together and I said no. I really wish I’d said yes, now. Mind you, I’ve been on some awful courses which were manipulative too! Nothing’s perfect I guess.
So with that background of mine, about being more assertive, how about you ask for some training on this? Saying to you ‘be more assertive’ isn’t very helpful but a course might be great. I’d prefer an external course, maybe one I’d found myself that the company would pay for, because I’d find it tricky doing this type of work with people I knew, or who knew me. What do you think?
Also, while I was out with my H and BIL tonight, as they both work at the same place, they talk about work a lot. H said that a couple of times I brought the conversation round to my work. Were they both talking about their work? Did this include you? If so, what’s wrong with you talking about your work? I mean, wasn’t that okay…? Maybe if he has The Cold he’s feeling a bit irritable. Maybe it’s him not you? Nobody’s perfect.
I felt like such an N. That is such an N thing to do to bring the conversation back to myself. Not if you’re feeling excluded!
H said I reminded him a bit of a friend of mine M. M is quite N-ish too. Does H like M? In what way did you remind H of M? Just wondering.
About your chap at work, this doesn’t need a reply does it?
I hope you can appreciate my position though. I learnt of (guy leaving) imminent departure just 2 weeks ago – and only then through the grapevine.(I’m thinking, this has what to do with me?? You’re wasting my time.)
I have been urging him to do what he can to identify a suitable person to hand-over to and perform a suitable handover.(ah! So it’s the fault of the guy who’s leaving then! Tut tut, fancy someone who’s leaving not doing that. Urging? Not hard enough obviously.)
Sorry manager here, but it’s your ass on the line, it’s your work, it’s your responsibility.
Some people. He’s been panicking and you’ve solved his problem. I hope he doesn’t think he can do that every time he has a panic.
How about saving this email in your ‘good stuff about me and how other people mess it up’ file?