Well, I guess weekends are going to SUCK for a while. The SOB stole my motorcycle last week. I noticed it was missing on Sat. morning. I KNOW it was him and I can't PROVE it. It makes sense though, b/c my neighbors says he thinks it was gone by Thursday when he got back from work. My stbxH would have been pretty upset after I didn't pay attention to him and his little gf AND after getting a call from CPS.
I suppose I could get a PI (more $$$$$$$) to have him watched b/c he's just cocky enough to show up somewhere on it. I'm sure it's not at his house.
I reported it to the police on Sat. after I noticed and told them where I think it is. I thought I was pretty screwed, but I noticed in the collaborative ppw, it said there is a 30-day waiting period where ALL agreements made remain in effect. I guess the saying is true...give them enough rope and... watch 'em swing!
I will hopefully speak to my lawyer on Monday and we will come up with the best way to go about this. I also found out that he can not have possession of a gun unless he is a US citizen, which he is NOT. Man am I ready to get him! I am SOOOO sick of his BS