Hi everyone:
Wow! What an awe inspiring thread you got going here Tiff! There is so much here that I could read over and over and learn a thing or two or a hundred from!
I want to say...I'm so very sorry for all you have suffered and I totally agree that you sure seem like one sound, sane, loving individual, like a wonderful mother with a bountiful spirit and an inner strength that sings out in the face of calamity. Hats off to you Tiff!! You've more than survived! You're precious and blooming!
These words, that I think Jac wrote, brought tears to my eyes:
in order for the soul to grow, it must be challenged to the very depths of it's core.
Makes me want to cry out: "Have the depths of the core been challenged enough yet? Please say yes!!"
Just feeling sorry for myself a little there. I do get that this is a large probability and that I am not in charge, never will be, of how much my soul will be challenged to grow. I would like a break, though, before the next growth spurt, if at all possible. I should ask for that maybe?
(sorry if I got the person's name wrong who posted that. I think it was back on page one that I clicked and copied but held onto it until somewhere deep into page 2, where I had to find a place to save it, because I found the next thing I wanted to click and copy...and by then...I'd half forgotten who posted...my poor brain...I feel sorry for it!!)

I'm not going to make this a long one as I've done enough blabbing here today but something did jump out...right off the pages....into my eyeballs.....up the neuropathways......sending a charge somewhere and sparking some thoughts--questions really:
Tiff wrote:
there were kind people in my life, but often when i became too attached to someone as a child, they simply removed me from them.
and also:
In the past two arguments to my husband, I did something I thought I’d never do. I threatened to separate from him. Not because of him, but because I felt worthless and stupid as a wife. I felt he should cut his losses and go, so I wouldn’t ruin his happiness. He was floored and hurt.
Tiff, could these events be related? Are you feeling attached to someone again, and anticipating (even subconsciously) that you will simply be removed from him?
Could you be (unconsciously even) pulling the old: I'll remove myself before he gets removed from me thingy?? Or reliving what happened to you back then......now??
Would it hurt less that way? Would you have more control over the pain this way? Rather than live with the constant (subconscious even) anxiety of waiting for you to be removed......could this be a way of getting it over with quicker??
Absolutely no need to respond if you don't feel like it. It's just fodder for you to chew on eh?
((((((((((((((((((Tiff))))))))))))))))) You deserve many warm hugs for all you've endured. God bless you.
