In short, I have been taking care of my Nmother for a little over a year now as she is very old and needs the assistance now. Quick background is that she did not see me or her grandson for a little over 21 years after I moved a few days away from her (abusive stepfather didn't need to be near my son when he was growing up like I was).
Nmother was aware of why I moved away as I was very explicit and very plainspeaking, so she could not possibly have interpreted my move to be anything but what it was: I was not going to raise my son where my stepfather could steal him (to spite me) or Nmother and stepfather could have the chance to talk badly about me (like always) and put me down in front of my child. Despite begging her to visit, she would not come. I realize now that she came to visit me when I lived in Chicago a couple hours away is that it was different for her to visit the big city and it was convenient. So, for her, this was like a quick vacation where she was close enough to home she could jump on a bus/train/whatever and get home quickly if she got mad at me or didn't feel like staying near me.
Once I moved a few days away, she could not get home quickly. She KNOWS she has treated me so badly--and definitely allowed my stepfather to abuse me--that she was protecting herself from the upbraiding she deserves. She didn't want to be taken to task for her abuses.
This, folks, is a woman who did not care for her daughter/grandchild. How clearly I see this picture now. And it is what I suspected, but now has been confirmed.
Now, since she has lost that heirarchal thinking that is so necessary to lie (which is why old people are so damned blunt), I am getting the truth--which, I reallize now--may be more damaging to me than I thought it was going to be.
A number of times I have asked her what she wished she had done differently and all the things you talk about when someone is old. All I get from her is that she wished she had been able to take the opportunity to move to California (this would have been during WWII) with her girlfriend, but she couldn't as she had me (too much money to support both of us if she were to move).
Never ONCE in these past 14 months has she talked about me as an infant/child in a positive, loving way like I would do about my child. For instance, I love my son--despite wanting to kick his ass at times--so much that I remember so many cute, clever and charming things he has done over the years that I am filled with positive memories about him.
What I am trying to say here is that I REALIZE that what I have guessed over the years was really true: this woman RESENTED having me--she definitely never wanted kids at all (as I heard repeatedly over my lifetime growing up)--and just couldn't wait for me to grow up enough to get the hell out of the house. She started really stepping up the nastiness when I was about 12, and it just kept getting worse. By the time I was in my high school years and the first two years of college, I was so nervous that I couldn't even relax enough to concentrate in school. Needless to say, I did way, way below my ability and my grades reflected it. And it wasn't until I was 8 years away and miles away that I could relax enough to be that A student I had the ability to be and finish that degree.
I had a boyfriend I was so in love with when I was 18-19. One of the, maybe, 3 men I really, really loved in my life, but he was my first true love. I actually dreamed about this guy 10 years after he dumped me. And why did he dump me? Because he wanted to get married, live in our hometown for the rest of his life (and I definitely wanted to get away from the cruelty of my mother and stepfather)--and they were so MEAN to him that his parents actually hated me and advised him to find someone else. He listened. I don't blame him.
NOW I realize--after all these years--that the truth was that my mother not only wanted me out of her house--she wanted me out of the area we lived in as I had reached the point of starting to tell people how dysfunctional/cruel/crazy they were--and that did not fit into my Nmother's facade of how well she married and how wonderful THEY were: I was just a troublemaker and they just "didn't know what to do with me." (Let me inform you that I never got in any trouble, did not have bad character, all my teachers/kids/significant others liked me as I was popular in school, i.e. homecoming candidate) I actually didn't realize that that was the reason they were so mean to him until I was speaking with my mother who told me recently that she knew my boyfriend would be the type to marry, stay married and never get a divorce! God forbid, I should marry a guy like that.
I was so confused--and so very naive (ENFJ on the Myers-Briggs) when I was younger (before 42)--that I couldn't understand why they treated him so cruelly all these years, and just took the hurt when he dumped me, grieved over it, moved on and repressed all the emotions as best I could.
I realize now that the reason they didn't want me to marry him as my Nmother didn't want me to stay around the area they lived in! Boy! was I naive! She didn't want me to ruin the facade of how wonderful she/stepfather were which, of course, was just that: a facade. And, of course, she knew it. (To update you, the stepfather's background Nmother discovered after I was out of the house which was he was thrown out of law school his last 2 months before finishing for raping a girl on campus, had the Police looking for him for other rapes, was caught trying to pick up a little 9-11 y.o. grl when he was in his 80's, etc. And this from a guy who could have been in Mensa, made tons of money with his brains, and had the potential to achieve in business. But what a loser!)
To sum this up, when I was getting my degree in Psychology and learned about sociopaths, I wondered for years if that was what my Nmother was. She was such a liar about everything!
I KNOW she is definitely a narcissist, and the entire world centers around her and her needs always.
Now that she can no longer lie as she has lost the ability to do it well, I am getting the truth and it isn't positive for me.
My question to you people (who have had some similar experiences) is how do I get cope with these feelings of being unworthy of being unloved now and for the rest of my life?
I definitely plan to start a business and work like a demon so long as I can when this experience is over (she dies). This I have always done, and enjoy working and succeeding. I figure, for me, this is the best selfesteem builder I know. And I plan to nurture myself by exercising (you need to do this to stay limber in your 60's anyway), and fixing myself up lookswise so well as I can.
But there will always be a hole in my heart to know that I had a mother (father and stepfather) who cared nothing for me at all. Of course, I don't take this personally as they didn't have the ability to love anyone.
For years, I could fool myself that I was cared for some, at least, by my Nmother. Once I moved far away, I was so devastated that she wouldn't make the trip to see us it affected me terribly. ( Even tho my child has never said anything, it had to have affected his life for the negative, also.) I knew then that she didn't care all that much. Maybe I just grew up and took off the rose colored glasses.
How do I fill this void and deep hurt I have? The realization of how BAD it really was is far worse that I ever expected by coming here to help her. I was thinking that this this experience would heal all old wounds and answer all my questions as to why she did all the horrible things to me that happened and she allowed to happen. Reality has hit, and I see that the reason for all of this was that she not only didn't want me and didn't care, but almost some kind of power trip over an object of resentment. The reality of all this--and knowing she will die and it will never heal--is not what I expected when I came here. I was looking for a positive closure, but I can see it will never come to me now. The reality of my childhood and life concerning my mother is far harsher than I fantasized.
Any suggestions other than what I have planned to do?
I can work out the RAGE and INSULT I feel at being uncared for with exercise. I can build my self-esteem by succeeding at work. I can control my looks by improving them, and work on my body with exercise.
Any other suggestions?
And I don't feel like "forgiving" them for their cruel behavior for me, so what do I do now? Any suggestions? And please do not suggest therapy as some of my closest friends are therapists.
CAN this hole in my heart ever be healed? Is it possible at all to do it?????