Hello all:
I have been having some trouble building my wall. Essentially, I have used physical separation to achieve this goal of a wall. I am not at the point where I feel comfortable to be close to my N-dad. So, basically my wall does not really exist.
Then it occurred to me. I had difficulty building the wall because I was envisioning it incorrectly. Before, I used to see the wall as surrounding me. In other word I was in prison floating through life. The problem with this is that I had to feel like the victim again because I was essentially walling myself off from everyone else as well.
Now I realize that all I need to do is build the wall around my N-dad. He can go to prison because his behavior is unacceptable. By doing this I not only have I protected myself but I also can protect others (if I see him in his wall I will start to realize that he is essentially weak and only derives his powers by crawling into our minds.)
Now I want to see if this technique works. I am actually kind of excited because I have a sneaking suspicion that it might work. In other words I may finally be able to go through life feeling free, confident, and peaceful. At the same time I will be able to trust my judgment again and allow my perception to guide me. In other words, I may be happy again.
Wish me luck,