Well, they got the titanium rod halfway in (yup, it was for an implant, Portia--I had a baby tooth with no permanent tooth beneath it...it had come out some time ago) --but midway through the procedure a "check where we are" x-ray showed they had to abandon it...something about the nerve in my jaw showing too close, risk of nerve damage if he continued. Doggone. I was somewhat disappointed and frustrated since now I've got to get a bridge...but heck, no big deal.
Mom's doing well and is not expecting me to visit again until tomorrow, so I'm savoring the downtime alone. Not hurting much so far.
And I'm feeling a sense of peace and release about Mom. What will be will be...and thanks, Sugarre. I really am starting to recognize I did the best I could, and most of the time it was patient, generous and nurturing.