Can't believe I missed this thread! Like most lifelong dog lovers, I have a bazillion stories. But I will stick to "smart"...
This is about one of my dogs (we call him the middle one now since we got a third Jan in the Brady Bunch ..."Marcia, Marcia, Marcia", he's started jumping on people for attention...and he's big!)
Anyway, he watches television. Intently. Whenever my kids bring friends over, it's the first thing they do: "watch him watch TV".
Now we are not sure if this means he is smart or just strange, but he watches intently, and will attack the TV if any animals are on the screen, cats and dogs in particular, but he also goes for apes, fish, anything. Forget watching Animal Planet network. Once I left that channel on, and the TV was covered in dog spit, but worse, another time there was a show about neglected/abused animals, and I swear he look depressed after that.
Stranger, too, is that he goes for cartoon animals as well. You know that dog "Brian" in Family Guy (what can I say, I have teenagers...). Well, he recognizes that martini drinking, upright walking and speaking 50 year old as a dog!
And he recognizes theme songs from shows that he likes and comes running if he hears them, and parks his but right in front of the tv just waiting for something he likes to happen.
The show "Trading Spaces" used to have a part where the people cleared the room, in fast motion, and that segment would always start with a piano flourish. Well this crazy dog would run, full speed from wherever he was in the house, just to attack the people moving abnormally fast on TV.
He looks like my other big dog, a Flat Coated retriever, but a bit different, and I think he has Border Collie in him. Why else would he have taught himself to fetch the mail and the paper? This guy needs a job.
Thanks for letting me share.