Yes, my cats have always been 'chop-busters'. Mostly, it's 'can I get into the closet without Mommy seeing me?' And it's clearly a joke with them, because it's only focused on the closets, and as soon as I dig them out from behind the shoes, back in they go again the moment they get past my guard.
Nobody ever makes any attempt to get out the front door. But the closets.... mein Gott in Himmel!
Edit in: thanks, Bones. Just read your post. She was adorable, for sure. Vets loved her because she was so trusting and cooperative with them. When she was terminally ill, and I was nursing her, I remembered a line from a Ray Bradbury short story...
'I have grown; I have changed; but she is still young, she is still small, and I will love her forever - oh God, I will love her forever."
I have a silly sweet red girl with no tail, now, just a tailbud [Japanese Bobtail rescue kitty] and I love her just as much, she and my new tortie fill my heart and make it smile, but I'll never forget my Christmas Fink. Or my sweet Sophie girl.