Author Topic: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun  (Read 72208 times)


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #165 on: December 15, 2006, 10:36:28 AM »
I'll also keep an eye out for any more funny animal antics.  Even though I don't get cable TV, I understand there is a funny program on Animal Planet that shows animals doing the FUNNIEST things...similar to America's Funniest Home Videos.



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #166 on: December 16, 2006, 03:17:44 AM »
Just thought of another cute squirrel story.  I was walking to my car in the parking lot when I noticed the fattest squirrel I had ever seen!  He was just roly-poly CUTE!!!!  Since I have a tendency to talk to animals, I greeted him with:  "Well, hello, Porky!"  He looked up as if responding to his name and came RUNNING to my car and climbed up on the hood, begging for a treat!!!!  I happened to have some peanuts in the car and had fun hand-feeding him!!!!  He stayed on the hood of my car, keeping me company while I talked to him and fed him.



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #167 on: December 17, 2006, 05:34:51 PM »
Had dinner at a friend's last night...she's gotten an amazing pet.
He's the smallest kind of parrot...a parrotelle or something.

Extraordinary color, blues and soft fuschia and green, cobalt blue wings.

Anyway, he's very little, no bigger than most wrens. And he spends the whole evening in her hair. You can't even see him! He walks up her front, heads for the warmest part of her neck under her long hair and just snoozes away. Every now and then you hear a little remark. She says he talks a good deal but I haven't heard anything coherent yet.

The funny thing is something I've never seen a bird do. He sits in her palm and let her stroke his head and back and cranes his head back and forth to encourage her to reach different spots just like a dog does when you're rubbing its ears. Mr. Peeps gradually gets so relaxed he stretches full out on his back like a hound dawg. His eyes practically can actually see an expression of pure bliss.

He was neat to be around. I don't think I'd be up for taking on another 20-year animal commitment though. But she's besotted with him.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #168 on: December 17, 2006, 08:59:58 PM »
Had dinner at a friend's last night...she's gotten an amazing pet.
He's the smallest kind of parrot...a parrotelle or something.

Extraordinary color, blues and soft fuschia and green, cobalt blue wings.

Anyway, he's very little, no bigger than most wrens. And he spends the whole evening in her hair. You can't even see him! He walks up her front, heads for the warmest part of her neck under her long hair and just snoozes away. Every now and then you hear a little remark. She says he talks a good deal but I haven't heard anything coherent yet.

The funny thing is something I've never seen a bird do. He sits in her palm and let her stroke his head and back and cranes his head back and forth to encourage her to reach different spots just like a dog does when you're rubbing its ears. Mr. Peeps gradually gets so relaxed he stretches full out on his back like a hound dawg. His eyes practically can actually see an expression of pure bliss.

He was neat to be around. I don't think I'd be up for taking on another 20-year animal commitment though. But she's besotted with him.


Ohhhhhhhh......he sounds absolutely ADORABLE!!!!!!!   :D  I gotta look up this breed of bird and tell my boyfriend!!!!!  I'm sure he would LOVE to hear about this tiny bird!!!!



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #169 on: December 17, 2006, 09:09:37 PM »
Just remembered another experience I had with an animal....a pony.

I was visiting a friend in California and had the opportunity to exercise a neighbor's pony.  The family really didn't have enough time to give her the exercise she needed.  Being born and bred in the city, I didn't have the opportunity to deal with horses and ponies very much so I was very naive about a lot of things regarding equines.  As I was riding her around the area, which was filled with all kinds of wildlife, I soon realized that this pony was one cantankerous little cuss!!!  She was determined she was going to go over to the neighboring ranch and visit with a stud over there, which I vetoed.  At one point, I dismounted and started leading her back to where we needed to be when she suddenly bit me in the behind!!!!

Without thinking, I smacked her nose and told her that biting was not acceptable!  She flattened her ears and I told her to put her ears back up!  She stuck one ear up!  I told her...other ear now!  Then she brought her other ear up.  She appeared to behave for awhile until I re-mounted her and started riding down the trail again.  Then she tried to bite my boot!  However, because I had been walking on a dusty trail, my boot was COATED with dirt so she got a nice mouthful!!!!   :lol:  The expression on her face was priceless as she spit dirt!!!  I've never seen a pony spit like that before!!!!   :lol:  The way she was sticking her tongue out was as if she was saying:  "YUCK!"



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #170 on: December 18, 2006, 09:06:33 PM »
Had dinner at a friend's last night...she's gotten an amazing pet.
He's the smallest kind of parrot...a parrotelle or something.

Extraordinary color, blues and soft fuschia and green, cobalt blue wings.

Anyway, he's very little, no bigger than most wrens. And he spends the whole evening in her hair. You can't even see him! He walks up her front, heads for the warmest part of her neck under her long hair and just snoozes away. Every now and then you hear a little remark. She says he talks a good deal but I haven't heard anything coherent yet.

The funny thing is something I've never seen a bird do. He sits in her palm and let her stroke his head and back and cranes his head back and forth to encourage her to reach different spots just like a dog does when you're rubbing its ears. Mr. Peeps gradually gets so relaxed he stretches full out on his back like a hound dawg. His eyes practically can actually see an expression of pure bliss.

He was neat to be around. I don't think I'd be up for taking on another 20-year animal commitment though. But she's besotted with him.


BTW, I Googled about this type of bird and found information on Parrotlets along with a lot of CUTE pictures!!!!  They are so ADORABLE!!!  Here's the website that I found:



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #171 on: December 18, 2006, 09:50:35 PM »
Had dinner at a friend's last night...she's gotten an amazing pet.
He's the smallest kind of parrot...a parrotelle or something.

Extraordinary color, blues and soft fuschia and green, cobalt blue wings.

Anyway, he's very little, no bigger than most wrens. And he spends the whole evening in her hair. You can't even see him! He walks up her front, heads for the warmest part of her neck under her long hair and just snoozes away. Every now and then you hear a little remark. She says he talks a good deal but I haven't heard anything coherent yet.

The funny thing is something I've never seen a bird do. He sits in her palm and let her stroke his head and back and cranes his head back and forth to encourage her to reach different spots just like a dog does when you're rubbing its ears. Mr. Peeps gradually gets so relaxed he stretches full out on his back like a hound dawg. His eyes practically can actually see an expression of pure bliss.

He was neat to be around. I don't think I'd be up for taking on another 20-year animal commitment though. But she's besotted with him.


I had friends who raised cockatoos... they were beautiful... but, um, not in the least housebroken... I was a nervous wreck whenever I visited, because of all the little 'surprises'... please tell me he's housebroken, because I know what happened to me whenever one of the cockatoos wanted to sit on my shoulder or in my hair... ai yi yi!!!!!
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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #172 on: December 19, 2006, 07:32:40 AM »
I had a canary named Festus who sang like Jenny Lind.
He got out of the cage and I told my parents to just leave the cage door open in my room with the room door shut while I went out. He'd go back in.

My poor OCDish Dad couldn't stand the idea that he might poo on the carpet, so he chased him around until he caught him in the curtains. When I got home, Festus was dead.

(I have recovered but it was sad. And the rigidity of my Dad's response...he was devastated that he'd harmed Festus, btw...tells me something about how intense that trait was in him...helps me understand some of my phobic stuff.) Long detour from a silly animal story!


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #173 on: December 19, 2006, 07:41:58 AM »
Oh, it wasn't just the carpet. They had about six adults, and a variable number of young ones at any time. It was the carpet, the sofa, the chairs, the dining room table, my coffee cup once, my dinner another time, visitors' hair, visitors' clothes, and so on and so on. I finally decided that it wasn't worth risking psittacosis

to visit them in their natural habitat. I get pooped on enough, figuratively, as it is; I don't need to volunteer for it literally as well.

Sorry your pop was so unaware how delicate birds are. Sorry you couldn't trust your parents to respect your wishes, and also sorry that you had to be somewhere else at the worst possible time, so that you couldn't stay around long enough to see him safely back into his cage.
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #174 on: December 19, 2006, 08:03:12 AM »
Thanks, Storm.

Festus was later succeeded by another canary who made enough guano to inspire new forms of architecture. I bequeathed him to a pubisher I once worked for, and last time I heard him, he was singing his head off in their offices and people were smiling.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #175 on: December 19, 2006, 03:23:38 PM »



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #176 on: December 19, 2006, 11:12:32 PM »
For those who like horses......

I had the opportunity to volunteer at the Park Police stables, helping to feed and groom the horses in the morning.  I soon discovered that each horse had its own CUTE personality.  One like to clown, another liked to flirt, and still another liked to play practical jokes!!!!!   :D  At one point, when I was "off duty", I was visiting the stables and one of the horses was banging in his stall and making a HUGE racket!!!!  I walked over to his stall door and asked him, "What's the matter, baby?  Are you hungry?"  He immediately stopped banging and started nodding his head emphatically as if he was saying "YES!"  I asked the police officer if I could give him his feed to calm him down and she showed me where it was.  That horse was very happy!!!   :D



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #177 on: December 19, 2006, 11:49:41 PM »
I loooooooooove horses.
Don't ride any more. Just love being around them.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #178 on: December 20, 2006, 12:11:08 PM »
I loooooooooove horses.
Don't ride any more. Just love being around them.



The police horses may be HUGE and yet they are BEAUTIFUL, CUTE and SMART!!!!   :D



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #179 on: December 20, 2006, 07:15:18 PM »
I stood next to a Percheron (bigger than a Clydesdale!) once and he practically smelled my cheek off. His single nostril was the size of a dinner plate. Huuuge, sweet, friendly thing.

Great memory. Must have been wonderful touching those beautiful police horses, Bones!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."