Author Topic: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun  (Read 72208 times)


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #195 on: December 30, 2006, 12:33:40 AM »
« Last Edit: January 14, 2007, 02:58:47 PM by CB123 »
When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #196 on: December 30, 2006, 02:30:23 AM »

I feel like doing penance for talking about mobile homes on the animal thread :(.  My only defense is that it made sense to my pea-brain at the time.

Here's my peace offering:

When we first moved to the farm, we had this ridiculous idea that we were going to raise goats.  We started off with 4 Nubians (2 pregnant does and two wethers) and we ended up with 19.  Well, that's a different story.

The people who were helping us get started with the goats were purists. It seems that there is some horrible "goat disease" that is spread from the mama to the babies through the milk.  So, although they were sticklers for giving the babies their mamas milk, they did it by MILKING THE MAMA, pasteurizing it, and then feeding it back to the babies.  We, wanting to do everything the RIGHT WAY, followed their lead. 

Well, that's the background.  What that meant was that the babies were hand raised by us.  They were very tame and followed us everywhere.  But when we werent with them, we kept them in a moveable pen so they could graze a new area every day. 

One day, we had moved the pen down into some very lush grass by the lake.  We looked out the window and there was a mama deer that had walked up to the baby goats in the pen.  She was clearly worried about them and stood staring into the pen for a long time.  She even left, walked a few feet away, and came back.  They were very interested in her too! 

We were simply enchanted with the picture!  It isnt very often that the deer will come very close to the house (we have dogs), so it was a real treat. 


WOW!!!!!  I can visualize how cute that must have looked!!!!!



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #197 on: December 31, 2006, 03:52:07 PM »
I was going through my "mental files" and recalled two funny experiences that are related to the local zoo here.  One of the experiences was related by my late adopted sister when she and her children visited the zoo several years ago, before the zoo installed plexiglass barriers.

I can remember visiting the zoo, as a child, and remember that there used to be metal bars separating the animals from the zoo visitors.  This day that my adopted sister and her children were visiting the Primate House, a zoo worker was using a garden hose to clean an area.  The garden hose had one of those devices that remind me of a gun's trigger.  This zoo worker decided to act stupid and was teasing the chimpanzee by squirting it.  The idiot compounded his mistake by laying the hose down near the cage bars, assuming that the animal couldn't do anything.  The next thing everyone visiting the Primate House knew, the chimp had a hold of the garden hose and was squirting everyone within range!!!!!!  (Talk about a faster learner!!!   :shock:)  It took a while before the zoo personnel was able to get that hose away from the chimp.

The other zoo experience was connected to a psychology course I was taking.  My class went on a field trip to the zoo where we were given the assignment to either observe the animals or observe the visitors.  I chose to observe the primates in the Primate House.  By this time, the cage bars had been replaced by plexiglass barriers.  As I was observing the gorillas, I couldn't help but notice a drunk stumbling into the Primate House and started imitating the Silverback Gorilla...standing as close to the plexiglass as possible.  I was shaking my head and observing the gorilla really GLARING at this drunk.  (My instructor advised not to anthropomorphize the animals and yet I didn't know how else to describe what I was seeing.)  Slowly, the gorilla turned his back on the drunk and ambled over to the water fountain.  I thought the gorilla was thirsty and was getting a drink of water.  Then the gorilla ambled back to where the drunk was standing and deliberately looked the drunk in the eye and SPEWED WATER AIMED AT THE DRUNK'S FACE!!!!   :shock: :shock:  It was so methodical and deliberate!!!!!  The drunk was startled and left as quickly as possible.  I laughed so hard that my ribs hurt!!   :lol:  My instructor heard me laughing and came to investigate what had just occurred.  I asked him how he would describe what had occurred without anthropomorphizing and my instructor was simply stumped!!!!



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #198 on: January 08, 2007, 12:09:30 PM »
I'm still keeping a look out for funny animal stories.



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #199 on: January 23, 2007, 01:02:28 PM »
I learned about this bird while receiving my e-mail news.  There is a short video of "AJ" in action and it is too CUTE for words!




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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #200 on: January 23, 2007, 07:55:48 PM »
I mentioned this briefly in another post, but my silly Henry thinks he has a Magic Food Bowl now. We are following Cesar Mialn's advice, so he doesn't eat until he has walked with one of us. When he is out on the walk, I began filling his bowl so that when he got back he would have food. So now he runs to the magic bowl and if it is not yet full, he is very puzzled. Also, if he gets hungry, he will ask to go out and then come dashing inside to see if the magic bowl is full. He looks down into it with such wonder, full or empty,  it just makes me laugh. Sometimes, if it is the kibble he doesn't like, he will walk away and then run back to see if it has changed into something he likes better.
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #201 on: January 23, 2007, 09:38:06 PM »
I mentioned this briefly in another post, but my silly Henry thinks he has a Magic Food Bowl now. We are following Cesar Mialn's advice, so he doesn't eat until he has walked with one of us. When he is out on the walk, I began filling his bowl so that when he got back he would have food. So now he runs to the magic bowl and if it is not yet full, he is very puzzled. Also, if he gets hungry, he will ask to go out and then come dashing inside to see if the magic bowl is full. He looks down into it with such wonder, full or empty,  it just makes me laugh. Sometimes, if it is the kibble he doesn't like, he will walk away and then run back to see if it has changed into something he likes better.

FUNNY!!!!!!   :lol:



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #202 on: January 23, 2007, 11:36:48 PM »
they are so smart....
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #203 on: January 23, 2007, 11:57:06 PM »
When I brought my shepard/collie home from the pound, he had to be house trained.
Being in the wheelchair, I would, every hour, scoop him up by the belly, put him on my lap and take him outside to the grass and wait. When all was okay I scooped him up to my lap and we rolled back inside.  This was a 'structured' event and my first.

One day down the line as he kept growing, I was totally startled when he came flying off the floor, onto my lap. You guessed it. Going pee pee/poo poo meant a comfy ride outside on my lap,no walking needed.

I had to re-train him to go to the door.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2007, 12:04:02 AM by isittoolate »


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #204 on: January 24, 2007, 01:05:17 AM »
Speaking of animal stories.

I had a Springer Spaniel named biscuit.   Oh I loved him so much.  He was the best well behaved dog I have ever had (so I thought)  :twisted: Unlike my 3 cats who were some real fur brats that would get into anything they could.  I loved them to death but they were as bad and got into as  much trouble as Huey, Dewy and Louie.  I had brought a crumb cake and put in the kitchen cabinet to keep out of the way of the cats.  Yes they loved crumb cake.  I went out and when I returned I found my crumb cake on the floor.  Biscuit met me at the door as if to say look at what those crazy cats did.  They ate your cake and now they are going to be in trouuuuble. .  If he could laugh I think he would of. 
The next time I had a crumb cake I again put it in the kitchen cabinet and left the house.  Outside my door I also have a side window that I can see into my kitchen.  I made the footsteps like I was going down the stairs but never left the top.  I stood away from the front of the window so I could see in but they couldn't see me.  I thought it was a little strange that my dog came and glanced out the window but who knows maybe he always did this.  I gave it a minute and opened the door.  In that minute I saw biscuit get on the couch, hop onto the counter, open the cabinet and knock the cake on the floor which then he got down the same way he got up and began to chow down on my cake.  When I stepped into the kitchen he greeted me as always very happily to tell me look what your cats have done again.  Only this time his face was covered in powered sugar.   


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #205 on: January 24, 2007, 07:58:23 AM »
When I brought my shepard/collie home from the pound, he had to be house trained.
Being in the wheelchair, I would, every hour, scoop him up by the belly, put him on my lap and take him outside to the grass and wait. When all was okay I scooped him up to my lap and we rolled back inside.  This was a 'structured' event and my first.

One day down the line as he kept growing, I was totally startled when he came flying off the floor, onto my lap. You guessed it. Going pee pee/poo poo meant a comfy ride outside on my lap,no walking needed.

I had to re-train him to go to the door.

 :lol:  Now that's a CUTE, SMART 4-legged baby!  :lol:



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #206 on: January 24, 2007, 08:04:10 AM »
Speaking of animal stories.

I had a Springer Spaniel named biscuit.   Oh I loved him so much.  He was the best well behaved dog I have ever had (so I thought)  :twisted: Unlike my 3 cats who were some real fur brats that would get into anything they could.  I loved them to death but they were as bad and got into as  much trouble as Huey, Dewy and Louie.  I had brought a crumb cake and put in the kitchen cabinet to keep out of the way of the cats.  Yes they loved crumb cake.  I went out and when I returned I found my crumb cake on the floor.  Biscuit met me at the door as if to say look at what those crazy cats did.  They ate your cake and now they are going to be in trouuuuble. .  If he could laugh I think he would of. 
The next time I had a crumb cake I again put it in the kitchen cabinet and left the house.  Outside my door I also have a side window that I can see into my kitchen.  I made the footsteps like I was going down the stairs but never left the top.  I stood away from the front of the window so I could see in but they couldn't see me.  I thought it was a little strange that my dog came and glanced out the window but who knows maybe he always did this.  I gave it a minute and opened the door.  In that minute I saw biscuit get on the couch, hop onto the counter, open the cabinet and knock the cake on the floor which then he got down the same way he got up and began to chow down on my cake.  When I stepped into the kitchen he greeted me as always very happily to tell me look what your cats have done again.  Only this time his face was covered in powered sugar.   

 :lol: ROTFLMAO!  :lol:  I can just visualize that CUTE pooch face, covered in powdered sugar, giving you that Oh-So-INNOCENT doggie grin!!!!



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #207 on: January 28, 2007, 03:18:37 AM »
Hey Bones,

Iris the wonder Kat now does her own rave reviews of the latest films and of course her fav TV show is still animal planet.

Latest movie review all paws up for a film called "DUMA".

Iris is spending so much time reviewing films she no longer has the interest she once had in doing her go fetch the straw game. :lol:

Thats OK she does not seem to miss it as much as Mr moon. :D


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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #208 on: January 28, 2007, 09:17:45 AM »
Hey Bones,

Iris the wonder Kat now does her own rave reviews of the latest films and of course her fav TV show is still animal planet.

Latest movie review all paws up for a film called "DUMA".

Iris is spending so much time reviewing films she no longer has the interest she once had in doing her go fetch the straw game. :lol:

Thats OK she does not seem to miss it as much as Mr moon. :D

What does Iris the Wonder Kat do to demonstrate her reviews of the latest films and TV shows?



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Re: Smart/Stupid/Silly Animal Stories, just for fun
« Reply #209 on: January 28, 2007, 03:15:58 PM »
Hi Bones ,

Well this is a little known fact only seen by moon family .
Iris the wonder Kat claps her paws and then really speaks .....
yes you heard it here first a talking kitty Kat .......then for an encore
Iris the wonder Kitty does back flips...tee hee

Really Bones Iris our darling kitty does watch T.V. but as for talking she does meow in fluent FRENCH......... :lol:
