A few months back my mom went to visit my brother. The dynamic of the house shifted a little. My precious little Yorkie was missing her and apparently went to her room and went to sleep. It was after dark and I'd had the back door open to let in fresh air. About a half hour passed before I missed him. I had been by the door all the time it was open and hadn't seen him go out, so I was sure he was in the house. So I looked in all the places he would normally lie down, and called his name quietly. No response. I went from room to room calling his name quietly. No response. I made the rounds several times and began to get panicked. Finally in total panic, I yelled out his name. This time he heard me and came from (I think) her room all rumpled and sleepy eyed, saying, Whut mom? Whut? That was the first I realized his hearing was impaired. ((((((((((((((((((((He's my best buddy.))))))))))))))))))))))
PS I now incorporate sign language to help him know what is being said. I love him. I love him!