Movinon. I am so sorry. I feel your pain right now more than you could know. I have spent so much money trying to fight an N in the courts and it does seem futile, I know. Family courts are loaded with people like our ex's stompiong around getting their primitive needs met and strewn in their wakes are the rest of us who try to take care of our children.
The world is insane, that's why it's so hard to "prove" anything within the courts. What passes for "normal" is really unbelievable.
Please know that you can and will recover from this, your daughter can and will come into her power with such a difficult dad. I know it, I have seen it with my own daughter. I, myself, would not have claimed my life back if I had not had such a tormentor for an ex. This perspective I have now was hard won, but like childbirth, well worth it.
I don't know how you will find the way, as it is different for everyone, but I do know you have in front of you, the opportunity and the ability to grow and flourish and surpass this seemingly endless negative place in time. You will prevail.
Darkness cannot survive in the light.
Stay down there as long as you want or need to, but know you can come back up when you are ready, and happiness, and light and love will be right there for you.
So much love to you.