this may be too far out there for ya:
Is it possible you connected for a brief moment with someone else's energy in the room? If you are intuitive/ hyper empathetic, or tend to be a "feeler/healer" (the kind of person who is very sensitive) you may consider that. You may be transensient, which is a fancy way of saying all that, I guess.
I think many of us who have been injured by N's actually are extremely sensitive to other's energy ( that's why those N's were attracted to us: "heal me, fix me, let me dump on you....")
And even further out:
many many souls on the planet, many many wavelengths of a higher frequency (relaxing after yoga?) you may have been open to accepting some energy other than your own (well, we all share the same, actually....)
Anyway, there's some musings for you!