Sela, thank you for wanting to hear me out and for wanting to understand where I am coming from. I believe you are as wonderful a person in real life as you are in cyber life. I can hear your sincerity behind your words. And I just want you to know that I take it to heart. If I'm not answering your questions, i'm not trying to evade them or don't care to address them. I'm just very limited in free time for a little while. Please don't apologize for the suggestions you've made for me. I see that as a very caring act that you did for me. You showed you cared in your way with your unique style and approach to my post. Thanks. There was no way for you to know how I want to be heard iif I didn't let you know, right? I did sound inconsistent with my posts, didn't I? One minute I'm asking for suggestions or the likes and the next minute I'm saying back off with your suggestions. That does sound very inconsistent of me, confusing, and maybe unfair to people who gave what I had asked for. It can even turn people off. Thank you for hanging it there with me, Sela. I am paradoxical in nature. I think we are all paradoxical in one way or the other.
Pennyplant, I hear what you are saying. And I'm really glad that in some little way my posts kinda help you on your own journey. It's encouraging for me to know that as I am benefitting from posting, it is concurrently benefitting others as well. Since I've posted on this particular thread, I've wondered if it was even worth exposing myself, and how others have taken it. Or if there are people who can somehow level with me or just wanting to explore this topic as much as I do. Essentially, I just want to explore this realm of this powerful force in my life and hopefully discover things along the way with the inputs of others. I guess you can say that I want to feel things and think things through on my terms and in my own space. I always welcome inputs from people as long as they level with me and not tell me how to think or to feel on their terms. I'm not sure if I'm getting my point across without sounding fickle or even crass. Your post was reassuring to me, validating to me that it was a positive thing for me to post afterall. Thanks. I needed to hear what you had to say on your last post.