MORE thanks, to everybody.
This is such a nourishing thread for me.
For a very long time I defined my spirituality in terms of what it is not.
I seem now to be more interested in finding out what it is, or what it affirms.
I do better when I don't get stuck on what's wrong with my own childhood training or on what I might think is lacking in other people's traditions, churches, or beliefs. I don't mean to do that at all...I'm just hoping to be inspired by others' experiences of nontraditional spiritual practices.
(I am mindful, and respectful, of the people here who walk many paths and find shelter in many places. I don't want anyone, of any faith, to feel disrespected by my own searching...) So my hope is that anything described here would be nourishing and respectful to any reader.
There have been such lovely, inclusive and gracious things shared here. Thank you!
(I am always especially grateful when I am moved, rather than when I'm persuaded.)