Author Topic: Recognizing certain narcissistic behaviors in myself  (Read 8559 times)


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Recognizing certain narcissistic behaviors in myself
« on: April 11, 2006, 09:56:27 AM »

Wow, I see certain behaviors I have that resemble (are?) the narcissist's.  Always have I dreaded being like my mother, like a bad joke, the yuck is on me........but there is so much of me that is not N-ish.---


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Re: Recognizing certain narcissistic behaviors in myself
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2006, 04:47:07 PM »
Okay, somebody else has to go first with listing how N ish they are.   :wink:

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
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Re: Recognizing certain narcissistic behaviors in myself
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2006, 09:15:58 AM »
Hiya CeeCee & PP

This I can relate to.... I think the most important thing to recognise is that there is healthy narcissism.  Healthy narcissism is important to our own health, our own well being.

I think that because we know what N's are like, when we see some in ourselves we immediately think yuck!  (ok... I'm talking about me here, rather than we!)

But I think one of the sure things which confirms we are not an N is compassion.  If I have compassion for someone else, if I can understand where they are coming from, if I can put myself in their shoes, then I feel safe in the knowledge that I'm not an N, even if I do have narcisstic traits.

Kind regards

Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care


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Re: Recognizing certain narcissistic behaviors in myself
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2006, 09:26:18 AM »
CeeCee compare yourself to everything on this website and then ask the question

Particularly the part ‘Now we are six’.

If you’re on this board and hoping to relate to other real human beings, to share and gain knowledge, to be honest and vulnerable, then heck, that’s a good indicator of a functioning adult human (which is what narcissists certainly are not).


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Re: Recognizing certain narcissistic behaviors in myself
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2006, 11:12:12 AM »
On one of the other threads there is a website listed where you answer fifty questions and then you get a score of narcissism based on 100 as the highest possible score.  Went and took the test and got a 33.   :shock:  (zero to 20) was non-narcissistic.  My results were mild narcissism with suppression I think it was.  You can go further on the site and see a list of famous people who would score in your category.  Mine was similiar to Michael J. Fox and Jane Fonda.  And, really, I'm not all that shocked.  Once I read an interview with Jane Fonda when she published her latest book and some of the stuff she said and the topics she was interested in and the way she presented them--reminded me of myself.  And I have often thought, it's a good thing I had a hard life in some ways, because I might have been awfully full of myself otherwise.  It's hard for me to be specific about N-spots, but they are in there to be sure.  Need to put some more thought into it.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: Recognizing certain narcissistic behaviors in myself
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2006, 12:24:33 PM »
Thank you, I will check out the N tests recommeded.  I do have compassion.  I love the quote reminding me that I have a right to be here! What a wonderful find, this site, my brother actually found it and passed it along to the 4 remaining siblings of an N, maybe two Ns.


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Re: Recognizing certain narcissistic behaviors in myself
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2006, 08:18:31 AM »
On one of the other threads there is a website listed where you answer fifty questions and then you get a score of narcissism based on 100 as the highest possible score.

I somehow wish i wasn't interested...but I am...(darn it) and I don't know the thread so please, where is the site?

I'm hoping for a score of 33+ :D or more likely....I'm going to take the questions apart and give them a good word-analysis ..... hey now I'm looking forward to it, where is it PP please?


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Re: Recognizing certain narcissistic behaviors in myself
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2006, 09:58:19 AM »
Hi Portia,

It's on this side of the board.  The thread is called personality TESTS,BOOKS,ETC

COSMIC SCHMOO is the one who posted it and it is the second website listed in that post, begins with npatest

When I took it the bottom of the web page gave me a little trouble, in my browser the graphs overlapped the last couple of questions, which you need to answer because it is how you submit your answers for scoring.  The scoring is instant.  But after clicking on various things, eventually the graph lined itself up the right way.  Hopefully your browser won't give you this particular problem.

Okay, good luck!

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: Recognizing certain narcissistic behaviors in myself
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2006, 01:55:29 AM »
Oh no! I took the test and it said my N traits are very strong ( the rest were minimal, so I was pure N). I am thinking now that maybe there are things I am still Narcissistic about. I know I used to act that way very much as a teenager, until I figured out that I didn't think it was nice to treat people badly. I am in a 12 step program now and am learning humility... but not well enough obviously. I think I think I am right about things a lot. I like to give advice. Maybe I am too much of a know-it-all.
Soul-searching for me this evening.
Thanks for the eye-opener!
What did the rest of you find out???????
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Recognizing certain narcissistic behaviors in myself (loooong)
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2006, 08:58:42 AM »
Now this sounded like a plan for me...I didn't find the N-test that Penny mentioned, but I am going to list the N-traits and let you all know how I compare :)

amoral/conscienceless - Nope.  I have a very strong morality and conscience. Holy Spirit is who guides me.

authoritarian - Sometimes I can be a bit dictatorial, due to my choleric temperament.

care only about appearances - Not hardly.  I can be a bit sloppy if I'm not careful.

contemptuous - Yes.  I sometimes can be very hateful toward people that don't respond the way I want them to.

critical of others - Yes.  I had a mother and step-father who raised me in this attitude.  I'm doing better now with not doing it.

cruel - No.  In fact, any time I hear of someone being cruel, I tend to want to RESCUE their victim.

disappointing gift-givers - No.  I tend to be very good at giving gifts that bless people.

don't recognize own feelings - No.  I definitely know and recognize my feelings, even if they are negative ones.

envious and competitive - I have had trouble with envy at times, but I really don't like to compete.

feel entitled - Sometimes I do.  I don't tend to have "the world owes me a living" attitude however.

flirtatious or seductive - I used to be in my high school days.  Now I only seduce my husband :)

grandiose - I was as a little girl and before I got diagnosed with ADD and Bipolar II.  I'm fine now, even off meds.

hard to have a good time with - Not at all.  I am known for being humorous and fun by my friends (not to sound VAIN here)

hate to live alone - Well, I don't know because I never did.  I think I prefer to be with people, yes.

 hyper-sensitive to criticism - Yes I am, depending who is giving it and how it's given.

impulsive - I used to be, but I don't seem to have a problem with this anymore.

lack sense of humor - Not at all.  I love making people laugh and I love laughing.

naive - Yes in a lot of ways I really am.  I don't know how to manage money and time real well sometimes.

passive - Nope, not me.  I am an in-yer-face sort of chic.

pessimistic - Yes I sometimes struggle with noticing all the BAD in life.  I've been learning how important thankfullness is though.

religious - I HATE this term.  I have a personal relationship with my Lord, Yah (Jesus) and I'm outspoken about it, yes.

secretive - Only when other people require it of me.  By nature, I tend to want to blab things to people.

self-contradictory - At times I've been told I do this, yes.

stingy - Not at all.  I'm the sort of person who would give the shirt off my back maybe even if I didn't have another one on. :)

strange work habits - No.  Other than I HATE HOUSEWORK so I tend to let it go.  That's from having an OCPD  for a step-dad

unusual eating habits - No.  I tend to monitor the carbs so I can lose weight though.

weird sense of time - No.  In fact, I don't wear a watch and tend not to look at clocks much.  I just live life by the moment.

The most telling thing that narcissists do is
contradict themselves
. They will do this virtually in the same sentence, without even stopping to take a breath.

--- Yeah sometimes I do, but I don't see it...usually someone else would tell me that I did this.

If you're like me, you get into disputes with narcissists over their
casual dishonesty and cruelty to other people.

----I HATE LYING and as far as being CRUEL...nope.  Sometimes I can be a bit condescending with people, however, but I'm working on not doing that.
Narcissists lack a mature conscience and seem to be restrained only by fear of being punished or of damaging their reputations --

--------No.  I am not big on my repuation and since conscience also ties in with empathy, I can also say that I have a LOT of empathy for people being hurt or victimized.

Narcissists are envious and competitive in ways that are hard to understand.

NO.  I would rather walk away than try to compete with someone else.  I enjoy my skills, but I know others are talented too.

Narcissists are generally contemptuous of others. This seems to spring, at base, from their general lack of empathy,

------Again, not usually.  I do tend to be intolerant at times with some people, especially concerning people who want to hide their head in the sand when there is abuse going on.  I never kept my family's secrets, so my attitude is that YOU DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO EITHER.  If there is abuse going on, it's YOUR job to blow the whistle on it and get the abuser and abused HELP.

Narcissists are (a) extremely sensitive to personal criticism and (b) extremely critical of other people. They think that they must be seen as perfect or superior or infallible, next to god-like (if not actually divine, then sitting on the right hand of God) -- or else they are worthless.

------------Yes n No.  Sometimes I'm sensitive and critical of others...As far as being seen as god-like?  Nah, I know my flaws :)

And they criticize, gripe, and complain about almost everything and almost everyone almost all the time.

---------- I complain sometimes but not all the time.

Narcissists are hostile and ferocious in reaction, but they are generally passive and lacking in initiative. They don't start stuff -- they don't reach out.

---------- I am FAR from passive.  I do start stuff sometimes and I definitely reach out.

Narcissists are naive and vulnerable, pathetic really, no matter how arrogant and forceful their words or demeanor.

------------Yes n no.  In some ways I am a bit naive and vulnerable.  I can be forceful if I'm not careful too.  Not pathetic though.

Narcissists are grandiose. They live in an artificial self invented from fantasies of absolute or perfect power, genius, beauty, etc.

--------Only when I'm playing dolls with my daughter :)

Narcissists have little sense of humor. They don't get jokes, not even the funny papers or simple riddles, and they don't make jokes, except for sarcastic cracks and the lamest puns.

----------Oh no...I LOVE jokes and laughing

Narcissists have a weird sense of time. It's more or less like they are not aware that the passage of time changes things, or maybe they just aren't aware of time's passing at all.

-----------No.  I'm well aware of the gray hairs and lack of wanting to get up and go as I age.

Narcissists are totally and inflexibly authoritarian. In other words, they are suck-ups. They want to be authority figures and, short of that, they want to be associated with authority figures.

----------Again, yes n no.  I am authoritarian and want to be associated with authority figures.  No, I'm not inflexible.

Narcissists have strange work habits. Normal people work for a goal or a product, even if the goal is only a paycheck.  

------- I think I'm normal other than hating housework to the point that I let it go for a long time.

Narcissists feel entitled to whatever they can take. They expect privileges and indulgences, and they also feel entitled to exploit other people without any trace of reciprocation. ^

------- No.  I would feel awful knowing I took something from someone that hurt them.  I'm big on restitution too.

It's very hard to have a simple, uncomplicated good time with a narcissist.

------------ Nope, I'm fun to be with.

They can be pretty nice, even charming, flirtatious, and seductive, to strangers, and will flatter you shamelessly if they want something from you.

------------ No.  I'm charming even if you have nothing to offer me. :)
Appearances are all there is with narcissists -- and their self-hatred knows no bounds.

------------No, I'm not big on appearance and I definitely do not hate myself.

Narcissists don't volunteer the usual personal information about themselves, so they may seem secretive or perhaps unusually reserved or very jealous of their privacy.

----------Me?  Reserved?  Not!

Narcissists not only don't recognize the feelings and autonomy of others, they don't recognize their own feelings as their own.

-----------Oh I know my feelings and I know yours are separate.

Narcissists are noted for their negative, pessimistic, cynical, or gloomy outlook on life. Sarcasm seems to be a narcissistic specialty, not to mention spite.

------------- I can sometimes be pessimistic but am counting my blessings more often lately.




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Re: Recognizing certain narcissistic behaviors in Jodi
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2006, 10:06:11 AM »
Now this sounded like a plan for me...I didn't find the N-test that Penny mentioned, but I am going to list the N-traits and let you all know how I compare

amoral/conscienceless -  Yes n No.  She wasn't really amoral, but very conscienceless at times, if it meant she got what she wanted.

authoritarian - She generally set her husband up to play the "authoritarian" role, so she could look "innocent"

care only about appearances - VERY MUCH SO!  Anything you do is a REFLECTION on Jodi. You must "look the part" as she says.

contemptuous - Yes.  If she knew you had blown the whistle on her or her family, calling them N's and warning others.

critical of others - Extremely.  While I was with her, she would sit in the van and belittle an entire church full of people.

cruel - Yep.  She saw nothing wrong with being really mean to me, by mocking my weight, my mental capacity at the time, anything that made her look BETTER than me, she'd say it "you really aren't called to be a preacher.  When IIIIII do it, I don't need to look at a paper."

disappointing gift-givers -  No.  She is very strategic in this.  Jodi once told me that she listens very carefully to see what a person is into, and when they come to her house, she is sure to make up a basket with all their favorite things in it.

don't recognize own feelings - Yes.  She doesn't recognize a lot of her own feelings.  She is great at imitating feelings though.

envious and competitive -Very competitive.  She has to always be the best at everything, because "GOD" expects it of her.

feel entitled - Yep.  She bragged to me about how, when an amusement park closed, her husband could go in there and get them to give her food, because they have a special "thing" goin with the owner of the park or something. ( I actually saw this played out, when her husband came back after the park had closed, and brought me some food, which, when I commented about how it smelled, Jodi had a FIT by using the silent treatment on me till later, when she told me "I can't believe you don't like that food.  Bill went in there especially for YOU to get that food and all you can do is not appreciate it?  Tami always would be soooooooo grateful to Bill when he'd get her stuff!" (Tami was her foster child)

flirtatious or seductive -  Not really.  Jodi said she wanted to rip into any guy who was looking at her.  According to her, ALL the guys were gawking at her.  I remember she said to me one day "Look at that guy over there!  See how he's staring at my butt?  I just wanna go over there and DECK HIM!"  When I looked at that guy, his eyes were nowhere on her body!

grandiose - Very!  She always has to tell me what famous person, band, group has taken special notice of her, given her front-row seats, and offered her some sort of grand position in their ministry.

hard to have a good time with - Well, I enjoyed Jodi and she seemed to enjoy me too, until later when she said to me "we have nothing in common!"  I was SHOCKED!

hate to live alone - I imagine this is true of her.  She needs someone to be NS to her.  Soon after her divorce, she remarried.

 hyper-sensitive to criticism - Oh yes!  She couldn't stand when I begin asking her if she sees any narcissistic traits in herself.  She responded with "No. I'm not receiving that!"

impulsive - Not sure on this one. When it came to shopping, yes.  If she was depressed, she'd jump up and say, "Let's go shopping!"

lack sense of humor -  She had a weird sense of humor.  She liked to be teen-age like once in a while and act all silly, swinging her ponytail around.

naive - Very

passive -Pretended to be

pessimistic - Very

religious - Oh she had a SPECIAL relationship with God that nobody else had, but she insisted that they needed and could have, but she never would tell anyone HOW to.  One always felt like Jodi had DIBS on God.

secretive - VERY.  I was warned by her husband that I must NEVER tell anyone outside of their house, what went on there.  I was told that if my journal got public at some point, that there would be TROUBLE, cause they are a ministry family and needed to maintain image.

self-contradictory - Yep

stingy - If you were her "friend" she fawned over ya, gave you gifts, spent money galore on you, especially buying tons of clothes, shoes, jewelry.

strange work habits - Jodi? Work?  Well, she was rich, so there wasn't much to clean in a little trailer.

unusual eating habits -Yes, ate no meat and like a bird.  Loved chicken gizzards breaded.

weird sense of time - She once lost a day...and her mother did at the same time.


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Re: Recognizing certain narcissistic behaviors in myself
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2006, 12:08:44 PM »
Hi PennyPlant, thanks for your help! :D

I remember this test. I took it at the time. I looked at the rest of the npa site and while it is an interesting idea (that Narcissism, Aggression and Perfectionism - I think? - are the three dominant traits) I found it had a limited appeal for me. Too focussed and narrowly–defined view of personality for my thinking. So you got 33 on the S score? Maybe it’s suppressed aggression according to his description? -
The S-score is a measure of anxiety, depression or submissiveness in social relations on a scale of 0-100.  If the score is >20, then it becomes likely that either trait N or A, or both, is only partially expressed.  This test does not explore the many possible reasons for a high S-score.  The most common reason is suppressed aggression (submissive types) or suppressed narcissism (narcissistic borderline types). 

I wouldn’t worry! Are you?  :?

Oh yeah the questions – it’s very easy to misinterpret this type of personality quiz. I’ve taken lots of tests and tend to compare across a range. Lots at if you’re interested.


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Re: Recognizing certain narcissistic behaviors in myself
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2006, 01:29:04 PM »
The problem I have with these types of tests is that I actually don't always know the answers!  I'm not kidding.  I can't decide anymore how I respond to situations.  When I was younger it was much easier to express what type of person I was.  Now I react according to each situation and mix it in with how I feel at any given time.  They always ask what you do at parties--greet people loudly, hide in a corner, surround yourself with friends, blah, blah.  Well, I have never gone to many parties and usually I know everybody there if I do.  I try to talk to everybody but I'm not dancing on the tables.  There's just so many variables to each situation that I don't really know what I do all the time.

It was useful to me, though.  I kind of suspected some narcissism in there somewhere.  When I think of the questions I was sure of and compared what I knew the answers would be for people that are probably N, I could see a huge difference between me and them.  So, I'm not worried about having N traits.  Whatever I've got in me is pretty mild compared to them.  I'm wondering if I have some of the traits because my childhood didn't give me enough opportunity to outgrow them naturally or even to express them properly in the time when I should have been doing that.  You know, maybe I just need to finish growing up.  But the questions did give me more ideas of how to look at N in the people I know.

One trait that I've seen is the fascination with violence.  On one list it mentioned that maybe the person isn't really violent but is fascinated with pretending or acting out violence or weaponry.  That was a trait that stood out for me with someone at work.  He will act out deadly karate moves on me (yes, I let him do that   :shock: ).  It was so fascinating to me that someone would want to do that with me.  It's a first.  In fact, I see him rarely now, but each time I see him, he will start making an absent-minded karate kicking motion while he is talking to me about something else.  It's like it is instinctive or something.  Or some kind of "skip" in his brain like a stuck record.   Sort of a peek at his brain circuitry.  I've never seen him act that way with the other sources of supply, not to say he wouldn't.  But he acts less normal with me it seems.  Or the others don't notice the strange little quirks.

I suppose since I let him "karate chop" me, that could go on my short list of N traits.  Now why would I do that?  It doesn't scare me that he does that and I let him.  It seems like some unusual form of play.  When I was a kid we played army and war.  It seems like that to me.  Except I'm in my 40s and doing this at work.  Or maybe I just have a weird sense of humor.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: Recognizing certain narcissistic behaviors in myself
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2006, 05:41:03 PM »

I hear what you are saying, however, personally I believe that the first step to healing in ourselves, is to identify the problem.  You can't correct what you don't acknowledge.  These tests are quite accurate.

I took the test and I came out as straight NARCISSISTIC, no aggression, no perfectionism.

I don't hide things so there was nothing repressed nor suppressed.  I'm a "whistle blower"



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Re: Recognizing certain narcissistic behaviors in myself
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2006, 06:42:04 PM »
I know we can not be in denial but "beating" ourselves up for what our parents did seems to me not a helpful thing to do.I am strong enough to look at my mistakes and not wallow in them then correct them and go on.This seems to me  be a good choice.

Hi Moon,

I have noticed in just the few weeks I've been reading and posting here that I am starting to be more forgiving to myself and the people from the past.  There have been times in my life where I've made myself almost sick from thinking that I had done the wrong things.  And I have been deathly afraid of people who hurt me in the past and then if something reminded me of those times in the present, then that "fight or flight" feeling would come over me.  That seems to be going away now.  It seems like I'm starting to take things in stride and be able to move on faster from my mistakes.

If I slip into depression, well that bogs me down again.  But now that I can recognize that depression might have descended on me for a few hours or few days, it is less mysterious why I am feeling or acting a certain way.  So, I guess I'm learning to not wallow and it feels a lot better that way.  Wallowing has been exhausting me all my life.

The tests do give me a starting point, though.  Sometimes I know something is going on with me but I don't have the words for it.  These tests give me the words and examples.

the first step to healing in ourselves, is to identify the problem. You can't correct what you don't acknowledge. These tests are quite accurate.

Yeah, ReallyME, I do need to have the tests for a frame of reference.  There were some questions on this recent one that I might not have thought of as related to N.  Don't recall now exactly which ones.  But it gave me kind of an "ah ha!" to read them.  I don't get too locked into the results.  As I said in an earlier post, I can often think of so many variables that it is hard for me to decide on an answer.  But it is helpful.  If I recognize other people in the questions that helps me understand why I might have trouble with certain people, too.

I really did wonder how I would score and it was a relief not to score too awfully high.   :D

I'm not even so sure I'm going to try to get rid of the N-spots.  I sort of want to explore them without getting on other people too much.  I mean, I don't want to squash people the way I got squashed all my life.  But I want to see what can stay a part of me, what might make me stronger and not such a pushover.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon