Hmmm, I think about this is reference to my kids and their N dad all the time.
I think he thinks he "loves" them, I think he does what he can to "love" but that his definition of love is soooo very damaged.
I remember thinking that when we divorced 10 years ago. That his model for love was soooo screwed up from his childhood, that his only idea of what love is, came from that unbelievable disfunction. In this way, I really can feel compassion for what he may never know in his life. That said, his lack of really knowing love is NOT my problem to fix. It is unfixable by anyone but him, and he may never choose to do this.
My children do love him....but that is tainted by the WAY he "loves". He controls, and they are afraid. For the times they have fun with him (and granted, it is many), they feel a semblance of love the way they know it is. But it is conditional with him...and it may go away as soon as they don't do what he wants them to.
They know from me, that they dont need to choose that for themselves, and they do make comments like, "dad is always angry" or "you know dad" to explain his angry antics.
All in all, I guess I would say, he doesn't know how to love, or what it really IS or feels like. He only knows this ego level of "power" and has mistaken that for love.
My sister and I were talking about this the other day, that the one thing we will be eternally grateful to our parents for: IS that they taught us how to love.....