Just wanted to share that I have a hearing tommorrow for TRO and visitation. I'm feeling VERY nervous as I have never been in court.

My 18 yo D will be there to testify about the violence and emotional abuse as well as my 1st exh who can testify that this never happened in our 14 years of being together (and it helps that we get along so well).
My lawyer sent a proposal to counter their's asking for his RECENT pay stub (they sent us last year's and he's gotten 2 raises since then asking for a REDUCTION in cs), the return of the motorcycle, my agreement to move to my county and contiguos counties, and supervised visitation in the SAFE program. All his lawyer sent back was that they declined the offer. Seemed to me like there were a LOT of offers in there. So, they're opposed to EVERYTHING. For 9 years I have driven 8 hours every other weekend to allow my 1st exh visitation and this JERK wants to restrict me from leaving the COUNTY - heck, he's the one that insisted we move 4 hours away (good old batterer technique of isolation).
I'm thinking this won't look very good to the judge that they didn't even bother to send a counter-offer. I guess I worry that he will come up w/ some wonderful story about why he has not seen or returned his d's phone calls - would his sttny REALLY tell him to have NO CONTACT w/ his 6 yo d?...even w/ a CPS investigation?
Just getting it all out there. I figured it might ease some tension instead of keeping it in and you guys are so good at sharing your experiences w/ similar situations.
Just another quick vent, he is sending his GF to do the women's work that I help lead (it's international)
Well, at least if my D has to have contact, she'll have SOME recovery.