H&H thank you, when are you having your next one?

Teartracks, thank you so much for your description of that day, it makes a good, warm, safe image in my mind which is maybe what I need.
Mum, I heard that some people cry too. Tapping into the body’s memories of pain? Or touching emotional pain held in the body? I’m only just starting to think about these things.
Moira, feet are so important. What parents do to kids. It’s never not shocking. (((Moira)))
Beth thank you, I think it’s not giving my body much thought (I don’t care that I’m not ‘perfect’) but I feel….somewhat apart from it and it’s…..just there. I guess I don’t give it much worth! I guess listening to all of you, I’m not exactly healthy in the way I feel about ‘it’. Funny how it’s an ‘it’ to me. Even saying ‘my body’ feels odd. Work in progress.

This is much more fun than dating!!! I shall remember that when I finally bite the massage bullet!

Good for you.