I'm sorry all of this has brought you pain, and the one thing I know about pain is there is healing on the other side if a person is willing to see it through - and I see that you get this.
I, too, have been quite triggered. I felt the same type of finatisicm growing up in a southern Catholic family. FEAR GOD! In the same vein, I can remember my dad telling my mom to, "Shut up, you're JUST a women." That setiment seemed to be backed up by our wonderful church where women were (at best) second-class citizens. THis hurts me deeply. I KNOW I am not second-class just b/c I don't have something hanging between my legs (sorry to be blunt).
I don't know how nurturing and compassion and gentleness that is that make-up of our gender can be so easily dismissed in favor or wars, agression and killing. Does that make them the superior species? I know there are gentle, loving men, but why does our society feel the need to ostracise them and sissies and hold them down?
Sorry, I got off-topic. I know that you mentioned quite a few things and that one stuck out for me and is something I am passionate about (as a former woman-basher myself).
Okay, looking back at your list, it all contributes (at least for me) to being "less-than" -
anxiety disorder
sexual repression (and later, acting out)
self-loathing as a female
tolerance of abuse
helpless repetition of trying to "fix" unkind people
sexual repression - I was taught that I was "sinful" if I had sex before marriage and that I had to be a "good girl"
despair, depression - the whole OBEY, second-class thing
dependency - Sarted out at 18 w/ my H in the military as a "dependant" - taught early on that I needed to depend on a man to take care of me - they do, after all still get the best jobs and the best pay (not thier fault - how society is).
tolerance of abuse - still alive and well in the judicial system - giving my psycho., abusive, stbxH unsupervised visitation - leads to an attitude in "can't fight the system" - my mother used to tell me, "That's just how it is." The Catholic church told me it was my job to (take it), keep my marriage together.
Anxiety disorder/ self-loathing as a female - living w/ all the above (What is there to like growing up in a society like that?)
For the record Hops, I think you have shown TREMENDOUS caring and nurturing on the board. You have helped me so many times w/ your kind and gentle words.