Thanks Jona for your interesting story.
Building their self confidence and self esteem was as important as the subject matter. This was the most rewarding job I ever had.
Might you someday return to your passion?
StormChild, I'm intrigued by your background. Writing, editing, science...I love it all. I'm glad to know this about you.
BJ - are you also a "real life" therapist/life coach/mentor? just wondering.
Bean, I try to live a "real life", but that's all!
I'm sorry your work is so stressful. It seems the professional life there does need some intervention. The company and your co-workers are suffering a great loss. Maybe someone could suggest a few ways to calm and slow things down. Maybe start a "positive" suggestion box. Maybe someone could approach a local gym for a corporate discount. Maybe the company would allow a day to dress comfortably? I don't know, but it seems like everyone needs to relax and come together. How successful can we be when we are stressed beyond ourselves everyday?
I sort of wish there was a company psychologist we could consult with. I think it'd really help smooth some of the dysfunctional stuff happening daily.
Maybe you could start a group or get a key speaker to come to your office?... Someone who talks in engineer lingo. I suppose your company would approve these costs if they could see the financial benefits in the long-term savings of the renewed efficiency of their personell. I'm sure you have it in you to plant a seed in the right direction. "Someone" can make a move to start things going. If you have a wish...try to work towards it.
Write, burn-out..I understand. What a good experience towards knowing what you want and where you want to be. Did that lead you toward your interest in your wonderful music program?
In terms of professional qualification and therapy- I believe a therapist needs to be a psychologist or psychiatrist who has had several years certification and experience before they are qualified to help.
I couldn't agree more. I think it's the years of life experience (personal and professional), added to the knowledge, that makes this work helpful and useful.
Counselling with a directional intent eg to reduce offending is not the same as approaching psychotherapy with a client.
I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to say here? Please explain?
Portia, don't sell yourself short. You've always struck me as a thinker and well-thought-out. Celebrate your uniqueness.
Funny, most of my friends are therapists/ coaches. They are trying like the dickens to get me to go into it, but I've got my eye somewhere else.
What are their reasons for trying to persuade you, and where are your eyes headed?
I'm so glad you have posted in response to my curiosity. I feel like I know you all a little better, I feel closer to you, and I will have a better perspective as I read future posts. Thanks, BJ