Author Topic: Vacation and saw my sister...  (Read 2595 times)


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Vacation and saw my sister...
« on: June 05, 2006, 05:20:35 PM »
DH and I just got back from a (mostly) nice vacation, visiting my home state and seeing my dad. My sister and her family also live there, and I visited with them for a very short time.

(The N is my mother, who I have not really spoken with over the last few months - she cut me off since I wasn't doing what she wanted me to do, but has called a few times just to chat. It was awkward, but she at least attempted to be nice. I am not calling or otherwise seeing her for now, but I am not avoiding her calls)

My sister was distant towards me during the visit. I asked her if she had heard from our mother, and she said she had the day before (they talk almost every other day - NOT normal for them, but since my mom doesn't have me to talk to anymore, my sister has been drafted and she is eating the attention up).

My sister informed me that our mother had a spot on her mammogram, which may or may not be cancer. Mom had breast cancer around 8 years ago, and had cleared it, but obviously there is always a chance of it reoccuring. She has had these kind of spots before, and they have all turned out to be nothing. I am hoping that this is the case this time.

My sister then proceeded to tell me that cutting off mom was hateful and that I needed to "get over myself" and give our relationship another chance. I told her that I wasn't the one that did the cutting off and that I had told our mother what I needed and what I would no longer accept from her, and that I had tried for the last few years to "work out" the relationship, but she just wasn't willing to change. I got the "mom is family, so you need to give her as many chances as it takes" speech, and ended up feeling like I'd been slapped around by the time we left.

My sister hasn't really asked for my side of what has been happening, and never indicated the least bit of interest in finding out. I'm sure that mom has been playing up the "I'm all alone!" stuff to garner sympathy from my sister, and she has even told her that she is selling the house she owns here (where I live) and moving back home permanently in the fall. She had originally planned on staying down here indefinately and maybe even keeping the house here and coming down for half the year, and living in the home state for half a year, but now she is pulling up stakes and moving up there completely. My sister has this weird idea that mom and her are going to be best friends and that they will all live happily ever after, but she has been on the receiving end of our mother's demands and expectations many times in the past and should know better. Even our father thinks that sister is delusional. I can't help but picture a small child throwing a temper tantrum about not getting their way and packing up their toys and going home. That's about what mom is doing here.

I'm thinking that I'm going to have to write off my relationship with my sister for now as well as our mother, since it is pretty clear to me that sister is taking our mother's side in all of this. It makes me very sad, but I don't know what else to do.

I'm also planning on getting a "thinking of you" kind of card and sending it to mom, so that I can let her know I've heard about the cancer scare. I am concerned with her health, just not to the point that I can handle initiating a phone call.

If the person that was abusing me (verbally and emotionally) was a husband, a friend or a co-worker, she would be telling me to dump them - that you don't have to take that kind of abuse from someone... but because it is our mother, I need to suck it up and deal. How is that any different? Why does it make it okay to treat a someone like crap and abuse them just because of who they are in relation to you?

At least I had a nice vacation other than this little "hiccup" with my sister.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2006, 05:23:18 PM by Sugarbear »
If only closed minds came with closed mouths.


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Re: Vacation and saw my sister...
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2006, 10:59:18 PM »
Hi Sugarbear , I am glad you had a good visit,sometimes visits are not as good as we wish they could be, but we humans are not either.What I have done is stopped trying for now to figger out why the NS in my
life do any thing .What I want to do is "keep my side of the street clean".Now I do not know who said this but I like it and I would give credit but sadly my midlife brain is not giving me that info...........................
Your idea about sending your mom the card is wonderful and maybe your sis will lighten up.Anyway I do send lots of good wishes to you and for your moms health.
Love and Light


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Re: Vacation and saw my sister...
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2006, 11:30:23 PM »
I've realized over the past while that my sister and mother talk about me and my mother has convinced my sister that I don't like her (my mother). She tells her we don't get along. She also says I am hard to deal with, when in fact, my view of life is "live and let live," while my sister is all but militant about ideas. I was actually told by my mother not to share my views on the world with my sister because she thinks differently! It is all so crazy-making. It is like a huge tangle of yarn and you can't figure out who thinks what and where all the knots came from. I also did not know there were knots until the ball starting unwinding... Does this make any sense to you??????? At any rate, I think your situation is much the same. It's hard to find a solution  to a problem which keeps shifting. When you think you are beginning to do what sis and mom want, the situation will change again, as they are not stable.
Keep sane and keep truckin' and know that you can only do what you can do. Your sister, of course, let the info drop about the cancer to put you in an awkward situation and make you feel guilty. Do what you feel is right and let it rest.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Vacation and saw my sister...
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2006, 11:50:20 PM »
Hi Sugarbear,

It sounds like your sister hasn't been around your mother for a while, maybe she longs for a better relationship with her and she's hoping this time it will be different.  If your mom is being kind to her it would be easy for her to fool herself because she wants the relationship very badly.  If your mom does move to her state, your sister will find out pretty quickly that nothing has changed.  I wouldn't write her off, just give the situation some time.

If the person that was abusing me (verbally and emotionally) was a husband, a friend or a co-worker, she would be telling me to dump them - that you don't have to take that kind of abuse from someone... but because it is our mother, I need to suck it up and deal. How is that any different? Why does it make it okay to treat a someone like crap and abuse them just because of who they are in relation to you?

It doesn't make it okay.  


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Re: Vacation and saw my sister...
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2006, 09:40:00 AM »
Thanks everyone for the kind words and support.

Even telling my sister that I am not "cutting off" our mother or trying to punish her, but that I am distancing myself for my own self-preservation doesn't seem to have any affect. It makes me start doubting my own motives, and that is something I am shaky on enough as it is.

Thanks for the links Stormchild - I have heard of triangling before, and that is (unfortunately) what I used to participate in with my mother with my sister being on the "bad" side. I am ashamed of doing this, because I know how much this hurt my sister and my relationship with her; it put such distance between us... and our mother was the instigator. It is really very sad that our mother can't just be happy for us and let us be our own persons.

If only closed minds came with closed mouths.


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Re: Vacation and saw my sister...
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2006, 10:05:16 AM »
Hi Sugarbear,

I'm sorry for the stress this is causing you. Hope your heart's back on its way to lighter?

Mountainspring already made the very best point: no, it's not okay, or your fault.

Do you think it might help, or you'd feel better, if you stopped asking your sister about your M., at least as long as the triangle seems to be at work? Maybe if M. was an officially (gentle but firm) off-limits topic between the two of you, you'd enjoy each other more?

Just a thought. Best to you, Sugarbear,


PS - Moon, loved what you said about "keeping my side of the street clean." I really want to hold onto that intention when dealing with the most difficult situations/people. Thank you!  :D

« Last Edit: June 06, 2006, 10:41:33 AM by lightofheart »


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Re: Vacation and saw my sister...
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2006, 10:44:30 AM »
Hi Bean and Sugarbear,

Only have 30 seconds here, so

((((((To Bean, To Sugarbear))))))

can't think of a better use of 30 seconds...

really, bless your wonderful hearts



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Re: Vacation and saw my sister...
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2006, 11:49:10 AM »

Do you think it might help, or you'd feel better, if you stopped asking your sister about your M., at least as long as the triangle seems to be at work? Maybe if M. was an officially (gentle but firm) off-limits topic between the two of you, you'd enjoy each other more?

PS - Moon, loved what you said about "keeping my side of the street clean." I really want to hold onto that intention when dealing with the most difficult situations/people. Thank you!  :D

Good idea LOH.
I've attempted to tell my sister that I didn't want to discuss our mother in past emails (usually our only communication) and it was met with some resistance and disgruntlement on my sister's part. It was me that asked after our mother on the visit, but only because I was actually curious about how she was getting along.

Oh, and Moon, I liked the idea of keeping my side of the street clean, too!

I decided to find out who was really capable, so I decided to ask. The wondering and waiting was killing me...literally. The stress of being the "bad guy" or the "good" one all the time eroded my very core being - to have to deal with this family that was anti-supportive was making me sick, mentally and physically. When I finally found the solution for me. When I finally asked that my siblings not scapegoat me or others anymore, to try to break this abusive cycle, I only heard back from one brother. After that I made the decision with my therapist's and b/f's support to distance myself from these people as they are pretty damaging to me. My therapist put it the most positively - she said, gently - bean, you should surround yourself with positive people and influences. In this is the implied advice: you should distance yourself from those who are so damaging to you, or try to. It is one thing to try to set up boundaries to protect yourself... It's another to succeed. Sometimes, the only way to protect ourselves is out, I've learned. I'm taking myself out of the triangle. I need a commitment from those who want love in their lives, to bash the triangle altogether. It would be work, and it would be hard to do this.

I was willing to forgive my sister for the years of unfavor and the loss of our relationship due to our N Mom, which I surely mourned and am still mourning, and to start afresh - but it takes two people who are willing to make any relationship work.

I guess I don't have any advice for you, but I'm listening and am very certainly hearing you. I will offer you hugs Sugarbear, and I'll say: you will find your way.


I feel for you Bean, really I do! It is the constant shifting between the bad/good that I am so sick of and always feeling like the least little thing is going to pull the rug right out from under my feet... sometimes without ever seeing it coming. I know exactly what you mean. Even though I was the predominantly "good" one for most of my life dealing with my mother, I am tired of of the role. I just want to be me and not punished or praised for someone else's idea of who they want me to be. So I am trying to get out of the triangle also, and I know how difficult it is.

I hope someday to be able to just be a friend to my sister, but until she is willing to step out of the mess our mother creates, I don't see that happening. I want to forgive her and have her forgive me (I know I have done some hurtful things to her). I hope one day we will be able to talk about OUR relationship - without bring up the mother factor.

I'll have to remember what your counselor said: "surround yourself with positive people and influences". It seems so simple when someone else says it, but oh, it's so hard to do!

You may not have thought you had any advice, but you have helped me so much.

Hi Bean and Sugarbear,

Only have 30 seconds here, so

((((((To Bean, To Sugarbear))))))

can't think of a better use of 30 seconds...

really, bless your wonderful hearts


Thanks for the hugs LoH - and the kind words!
If only closed minds came with closed mouths.


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Re: Vacation and saw my sister...
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2006, 09:14:19 PM »

I am glad you made it back in one piece.  It sounds like it was tense at times with your sister.  These are just terribly difficult situations.  These familial relationships - we keep getting dragged in one way or another even though many of us have chosen to distance or even end some of these relationships. 

I am glad you are taking care of yourself and are very aware of just what will be okay and not okay as far as making contact.

Change the way you see the world and you will change the world.


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Re: Vacation and saw my sister...
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2006, 09:22:59 PM »
bean... I'm the "bad sister" too, unless I am doing something fascinating to tell people about. Then I am briefly interesting.

Storm, thanks for the info on triangulation. That makes a lot of sense... creating the drama and such.

Sugar, keeping your side clean is one of the things I need to live by and forget is one of the most important things for me... Thanks for reminding me to get back to it.

"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams