Hi Anansi
I wanted to respond to this before but didn’t, so:
I've so often been told that I'm too sensitive. I don't really know psychologically what that means. Now I suspect that for me it means that I lack a sense of self, thus project too much onto others, leading to too much reactivity to their responses or lack thereof to me. Are there any other ideas about the psychology behind being "too sensitive?"
My immediate response is: who says this, what type of people are they, do you trust their perceptions, do you share their world-views?
I think it’s better to be told that you’re sensitive rather than insensitive?
Being sensitive, example. Hope you don’t mind if I look at this (hey you can say so, tell me to back off, okay?):
I am looking forward to learning the (more later) and (later) parts of your story.
Can we cut a deal together? I'll tell you more about me and my life if you can tell me what needs they will meet for you? I know it may seem obvious but it'll help me to hear it directly from you.
I’m thinking what have I missed, because you appear to be defensive. So I look back for the bracketed parts and find:
Only child, "father" put death wish on me (more later) and mother molested my entire soul away (later).
And I think: how would I feel about being asked for more information on those, in particular? Ummm I might be sensitive about that, I might wonder why someone wants to know particularly about those things, rather than saying simply ‘looking forward to hearing more from you’. Yes, I think I’d be on my guard, I’d imagine someone wanting to pry. Am I too sensitive? Too sensitive for what exactly?
This sounds so aggressive to me, the way I’ve written it. I thought, how could I say this differently, and I don’t know. Any suggestions? I’m being honest, I would have reacted defensively too, does that seem odd???