I don't mean to be offensive to you Jacmac,
I am sorry if you are feeling hurt;
I apologise for hurting you.
I am also human.
Look at it this way:
if I start a thread which says
Don't take this the wrong way but- Hey Mudpuppy, you remind me of this old pervert who really hurt me as a child...oh and hey Portia, you know I told you what a nasty b*tch my mother was to us, you're just like her!
Oh I don't mean any of this literally, it's just the way y'all make me feel.*
~how would I make people feel?
Sympathetic? Want to discuss my problems?
Maybe, a few days or weeks later, if they were really understanding people. Most likely they would be hurt and cross that whatever my pain or issues I singled them out in a therapeutic community and attached horrible traits ( cruelty, child abuse, attention-seeking, lack of caring you gave me for example ) to people I don't even know! For no reason other than 'a cry for help', in a place where you only have to post the words 'help me' and people are all over it.
You might at best assume I had some communication difficulties and that exactly is my message to you jacmac- don't write stuff like that, unless you are prepared for brute 'honesty' or 'retaliation' in return. You want to be human and spill your emotional guts, so don't expect others to be superhuman in response.
I have feelings too, and if you found what I said offensive today, I am so glad I did not respond in anger last week, because I would not want to hurt you or anyone; plus hurting others only hurts me.
When you wrote what you did I went away, dealt with the ensuing emotions, then did what I always do- go back and view what someone says dispassionately and with an attempt to learn something.
I am in a no-win situation as to whether I even post here again:
if I disappear some people who have been corresponding with me via the Board for a couple of years, in some cases more, are going to be upset because I did not let them know, and in some cases they are worried.
If I ignore jacmac it's just apparently more of the same- me unable to see anyone else.
If I respond, yes, I am a creative writer; my mild response today was merely one phrase I had a problem with but decided to leave in even if it was hurtful and non-constructive. Of course I can do more; writing professonally is all about invoking emotions.
I came here like the rest of you for support over a troubled time and because NPD is so back and forth, wearing, destructive of will and confidence...and there needs to be a forum for people who are involved with narcissists. There was a time when I needed this forum to work things out each evening, just to commune with other people who know what it's like to spend weeks hammering out a decision, for the result to shift at the eleventh hour. For you to be found lacking again and again, despite the fact you manage a household/ company. For someone to feel the need-unbelievably, unrealistically, imperturbably to act out. Again and again and again.
No one need apologise for their feelings, or for sounding off.
But acting out- believe me, NO ONE needs to go down that road and find what a blind alley it turns into.
And if I- with Bipolar 1- can learn to rein it in, anyone can.
* illustrations- I deliberately chose two people who don't fit the characteristics, no less shocking though is it, to be associated with yucky traits.