Hi Hops,
I apologize a million times over if someone's already tossed this out there, intention-wise. Hate posting in a rush, but:
Do you know anyone who's ever created a Positive Expectations Treasure Map?
This is a Feng Shui activity but I know a lot of people not gung-ho for Feng Shui (yes, this punny's for you, Hops) who swear by them. It's simple, and you've already done the hardest part, which is deciding on your goal(s), then visualizing and/or stating them to make them more real. To make a Treasure Map, you just find beautiful pictures, photos from brochures, magazines, and
words that help you see your intention positively and concretely. You can use a bulletin board, make a poster, etc. The important part would be to hang it in a place of prominence and give it (and your intention) your focus and energy by looking at it daily. There's a great illustration of this in The Healthy House Book, by Gina Lazenby, among other places, which says, "Don't focus on
how your goal will be achieved--just focus on what you want and let magical things start to happen."
I have a treasure map, right near my computer (I'm a writer, so spend much time here). And feel positive every time I look at it.
Also, this may be way out here (yes, I'm a hippie, thanks very much), BUT, whenever I'm going through something big, emotionally, or intent on focusing my energy, I harmonize/cleanse my house, burn sage, shift the energy, talk to the spirits, and can
feel the difference. Once I got so wrapped up in this I set my slippers on fire and the smoke detectors went off, but that's another story...
Sorry to have to run, but gosh knows you have no end of info coming your way. Can hear you standing up for your own positivity here, a beautiful hint of steel in your voice, which is surely serving you well. Yay Hops!
PS - Thanks for the good thoughts, Moon and H&H; hugs to you.

PSS edit in - just finished this & looked out my study window: enormous double rainbow; must've arisen from all the good intent.