This is Jack, I was writing some stuff and I thought I would share some for your opinions.
I was in a 6 month conflicted and tumultous relationship with a 49 year old Princess.
She always looked so sweet and pretty and lovely -like a child/woman. She has a 'helpless' quality and demeanor. Her married friends treat her like a "lost child" and have taken her under their wing.
However she also never makes or 'owns' her own emotions, wishes ,choices or decisions.She constantly refers or defers to others - from small stuff, "Jack, will I take my cell into the restaurant?" to major events-
" I had a breast enlargement after my children and when I was in the OR,my husband ordered the surgeon to make 'em D cups -I wanted little perky ones. I got D cups ."
She acts as if her life is directed and controlled by others and that everything that happens to her is at someone else's hands.
She is skilled and articulate at re-directing fault and blame at me and others ( especially men)and regards herself as Princess Perfect who wants to sprinkle fairy dust all over. She, therefor cannot ever be at fault. She has no problem re-wtriting history to distort it to exclude her contibution, or to paint herself in the best light and to darken me.
She has talked about finding "the man of my dreams" to ME. I think that I should have read that as a statement that I was not the successful contender?
I was always on edge around her as if she would shatter and break. I felt uncertain about my relationship with her and she was never available on a regular basis citing children issues at home.
I was attempting to form an adult relationship with this woman., What are the chances ?
She said often that my loving emails to her, "got me in". Not my character or wisdom or even my energy, but my emails seem to do it? Maybe she is addicted to male worship or adoration.She seems to crave it in truckloads.. " I fall in love with men who fall in love with me." Maybe that means also that when the relationship problems start and "love" goes behind a cloud, she bails.
I am feeling depressed and confused because she has something that i really wanted and it is still not clear. Unless i figure this out I am still likely to go back to her -
She is playing mind games right now too.
Jack ,