Hi Hops,
Thanks for putting one little 'uggh' out into the world...isn't it nice to tell something that feels icky and feel an ounce freer after it's out there (hope you do? fingers crossed!)? Look at it skittering off into the breeze, getting smaller in the distance...
I'll follow your good example and toss another one out: I'm more apt to tailspin over tendencies, so far as I can tell, that
least exist in me. Must be 'cause, well, I'm so awesome (HA!) that my own personal bag of faults must be the best faults, and therefore other people's faults are truly the
worst stuff. Convenient little judgement I'm onto, dontcha' think?
Hi Moon,
I meant to say it earlier, but I'm very glad to hear about your tummy, and good to read you here.
Really liked what you said:
The finger I point points back at me .Whoa, isn't that the truth? Am rarely so tempted to smack myself as when I catch myself judging someone. Icky!
Gotta' believe I got this heart and brain to do better things with them.
Happy long weekend to you both--and everyone!