Good morning ( afternoon, or evening, as the case may be

I see that if we stitch together the individual responses on a topic like this, the resulting patchwork quilt can give us a fuller view of the big picture. That's pretty cool... and educational, too!

A few things strike me about the thoughts and feelings expressed here.
Moon, your reference to the use of sarcasm as a sport is right on, I think. Such a competition, keeping score, and plenty of opportunities to get roughed up. Maybe like a boxing match. If we return that first blow, we're committed, and from that moment on it becomes a matter of ... who can inflict the most damage to the other.
Pavelle, you point out that sarcasm can be turned inward and used as a weapon against ourselves. I understand your reference to how that gave you "license" and I can see that I've done something similar with my own tendancies toward perfectionism. I guess if we are our own worst critic, we may get the mistaken notion that we are thereby entitled to criticize those around us? Spiritually bankrupt... yes, that's how life with N left me, too. They not only pull the plug, they run off with the stopper, leaving us unable to contain or retain anything positive without a rebirth. Pavelle, you said,
" I just decided to take a look at myself, at how I impact the world with this better than / less than spiritually broken lens. I'm tired of it, just have to learn a new vision." Yes. And not just new spectacles, but entirely new eyes. Change is humbling indeed. I believe that you have the stuff that's needed to accomplish it!
LoH... there is just something so satisfying about irony and I think "goofy" is wonderful! Besides, "popcorn sarcasm" is in a class all by itself, as is Mr. Mud (in a class all by himself, I mean).

Mum, congratulations and blessings on having broken out of that mold N tried to lock you into. I've had occasion since N has been physically removed from my life when I've wanted to say, "Now just get out of my head!" But now I realize that if I fill my thoughts with all things true, lovely, pure... any remaining vestiges of him will flee screaming, like Dracula when the sun rises.
There was something else in the posts that puzzled me a bit, but for the life of me I'm not seeing it on the page now. Tired eyes, I think. It was about the guy who gave an assignment and then stated (You'll let me know when you've got that completed?) It seemed that his remark had been taken as an affront and I didn't really understand why. I guess he was supposed to know that of course his request would be met by due diligence and so his query of the obvious was interpreted as an insult. True confession... I might have said the same thing, simply because I was scratching off items on my mental checklist, thinking aloud, with absolutely no intention of offending anyone. He should have known that would be found offensive? Sorry, but I'd be clueless on that one, too. Honestly, I think that much of this business of offense is in the ear of the hearer. And now I require fresh coffee. Hope everyone has a great day.