Hi Pennyplant,
I like talking about this topic, too. Makes me

Thank you for singing the first note here, and drawing us in with gypsies.
My son started to want to play the clarinet. I couldn't believe it. He said he wanted to play whatever instrument makes the sound of the adults' voices on the Charlie Brown cartoons. How funny is that?

funny. Told my H., he said it's no coincidence that the funniest reason anyone ever had to play the clarinet turned out to be about the trombone.
So, I'm working on telling myself why not? People do worse things with money than buy a violin for a few hundred dollars. Drums might be really affordable as I'm sure I've seen practice sets that are small enough for your lap. It might be fun to be a 45 year-old drummer. We shall see what kind of progress I can make in this particular lifetime.
Keep telling yourself why not, please. imho, you're already making excellent progress this lifetime. And Hops, do get that harmonica! I'm thinking about the piano. Maybe one day we could be a Child-at-Heart Trio...technically imperfect, but legendary for enthusiasm?
Have you ever gone to a concert in the park and seen the kids just dancing away up front? Then there is always one adult who also gets carried away with the music. Arms and legs flying. And somebody in the audience makes a comment about them looking spastic or something. But the dancer doesn't hear it and probably wouldn't care anyway. To be that in the moment and that outside of my self-imposed inhibitions would be so wonderful. I still seem to be caught up in that invisible audience of the teenage years.
imho, it's a sin to make fun of anyone's dancing; innocent expressions of joy are sacred. Shame on the teacher who said that to your Mom! (maybe he'll hobnob in the afterlife with Mr. D.) These silencing/negative tape mentions remind me of the Mark Twain quote:
Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt; sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth.Re. adults and dancing, Mon. night my H. plays the best gig of the year, I absolutely
love it. Wish I could take you, PP; I know you'd have a ball. We take a boat out to this little island just off the coast, maybe 300 people live there. Everyone brings folding chairs and the band sets up on the town dock, with the sun setting over the ocean behind them. The whole island comes, toddlers to dodderers, and everyone who can dance does, in groups and circles, bouncing up the aisles, 80-year-olds with canes; dogs, too. People shout along with the songs they know and make up words to the ones they don't. The 1st year we moved here, from a huge (and especially unfriendly) city, I must've teared up half a dozen times out of sheer joy. Five years later, I still bring the tissues.
Happy, happy Fourth of July to you and your family, Pennyplant. Hope you have much sun and fun and most excellent music!
PS- The snotty woman at the party? Two hours later, she came over and
thanked me for what I said. Said I'd done her a favor, that she worked 18 hour days (same huge newspaper as my H.) with people who were mostly even snottier than her and sometimes she forgot to hear herself. I was glad to have a chance to apologize...felt bad as soon as I said it; pretty snotty of
me to call her snotty! I'm an ex-reporter, we wound up trading freaky newsroom stories and drank a shot of tequila together.