Hi Kelly
Tiffany here. I was just reading your post in Dr. G's thread and you mentioned how things were currently, "us vs. them" right now with you, your mom, your aunt, and your bookkeeper. I tend to be an anxiety-driven worrier about things like this, as I have been in your shoes, in business with my Nmother, that is. I'm trying not to do it [worry] so much anymore and I don't mean to upset you unduly, but my question is: Where do you see things going in the near and not-so-near future with the business? You mentioned the "smoke and mirrors" aspect to it; do you think this will present itself as a problem, eventually?
Has your mother or aunt ever violated your trust or been proven to have a lack of integrity? Business is tough and often we lose sight of what is ethical or for what we are accountable. I would hate for you to bear the brunt of a bitter business battle either between you and your mom or worse, the two of you and some higher authority, like your creditors, unjustly. I'm just curious to know where your head is with the subject. For some reason, I find your story to be on my mind, it's probably because of the similarities, and I think I want to see all turn out well for you. I hope you keep posting.
Take care