Hiya kellFirst of all, what we all hear, we must look after ourselves first.
I started on page one here and realized I was out of date, so hopped forward to see why you posted.
You and your mother are still co-owners? Can she buy you out? The both of you must get away from one another!!! You know the N rule...
No Contact!
Mom can advertise for other help if you and the
bboookkkeeeppeerr leave! I do bookkeeping and I know if I were hit by a mack truck tomorrow, this non for profit organization would be WILD. I do their website too.
So I know what you mean.If N mom is left on her own, she might just understand that she has to sell!
Whatever hell you are feeling is what you have to avoid to live a comfortable life. N mom causes all your stress?
I have an UZI here!) <tee hee>
You have to do what you have tp do. before you go insame, like............me?